(no subject)

Feb 13, 2010 00:50

I have another blog. Yes- I've been blog-cheating on all of you for four days. I'm not sure I want to share the URL just yet. I'm thinking it's not exactly for this audience. So far it actually doesn't have an audience, but that's a minor technicality. I guess you could easily find it, so if you must- feel free- I'm just not providing the link.

Said other blog is about my journey being unemployed. I got tired of cluttering this blog up with job hunt stuff and feel like my friends are probably thoroughly sick of hearing about it. I'm not offended- I'm sick of talking about it. The goal for the other blog is that maybe someone else unemployed will stumble on it, and maybe they won't feel so alone. Maybe nobody will find it, I don't know, but the chance that someone might find it combined with how good it feels to get it out makes it something that is worth maintaining. Really, I'm hoping I don't have to maintain it for long, ahem.

Tonight, Allen and I went out to see The Edge of Darkness while Alana stayed at Tibbett's UMC for Parents' Night Out (God bless you, Tibbetts, and Kristine, Kylene and Kathryn for telling me about it!). While it would have been nice to be somewhere that we could talk, going to a movie is something that parents of a toddler just cannot do, so we chose that option this time. Next Parents' Night Out we're planning on going somewhere we can talk without a cute little one thwarting our conversation efforts.

Ay dìos mìo, movies are expensive. I don't even want to think about how much money it cost us for movie tickets, popcorn (vomit) and the donation, but it was so nice. (When will I get to not think about money?)

Before the movie, Desirée came over and dropped off the shirts I ordered from Aéropostale. We split the shipping and I used the gift card my friends gave me. While I'm not as thrilled about the shirts as I thought I would be, it was nice to see Desirée. She's so thoughtful- in the bag of shirts she also put a shirt she thought I'd like that no longer fits her and Andes Mints, which she knows are like crack to me.

Desirée is honestly like my personal Stacey London. She's so damn fashionable. I've never seen her wear anything that looked bad. She has impeccable taste in clothing and accessorizes perfectly. She had the cutest outfit on today. I wish I had $5,000 and a day with Desirée to blow it all!

Desirée's husband works for Boeing in Kent and is mostly likely going to be transfered to Everett in the next 3-9 months (nice range, BOEING) so they'll be moving north. A Kent to Everett commute sounds like a nightmare. This could work out nicely, as we'll probably be moving to the Lake Forest Park area when we're settled in our jobs.

Sorry, kids- I exhausted all of my writing and editing skills for the night, so this blog is choppy.

alana, job hunt, desiree, allen, happiness, kristine

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