(no subject)

Feb 10, 2010 15:48

Ugh, I feel like I'm constantly running into "Dead End, there's no hope here, haha!" signs in my job search. Or I'm walking down an endless hallway filled with closed doors. On the rare occasion I find a door that is open, it slams shut as I approach it.

I just got off the phone with Leroy and he told me business is down and there's no real fat for them to trim. He explained that they don't know if there's a role for me, or for anyone for that matter, and if there is, he has no idea what it would be.

In the mean time, he'll keep my resume on file and will contact me when things clear up and when they know where they want to go. I told him my resume is not an all-encompassing story of who I am, my abilities, and my potential- that it's just just a small snapshot. He said he realized that, and I looked like a versatile worker.

Ugh. Doors shutting everywhere I go.

sad stuff, job hunt

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