Jun 04, 2008 16:47

In pregnancy, there's nothing that's really TMI, but nobody on my FL is pregnant any more.

I had an internal exam to check for dilation today. After about five minutes of having her entire ARM shoved up there, poking around and me trying not to scream, she announced that I am 1-2 cm dilated, 30% effaced, and she could feel the baby's head!

Oh, and that she started stripping my membranes!!! (if you've had this done, you KNOW how painful it is! OMFG) I told her I was glad she didn't tell me ahead of time. I like my doc, a lot, but I would have hit her!

Five minutes (okay, I'm exaggerating) in my vag and she didn't even buy me dinner!!!

She then announced that I should expect some spotting. NOSHIT. After that one (I cannot express to you how painful it was) I'll probably bleed up until I give BIRTH.


dilation, pain, pregnancy, baby

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