Another random facts meme.

Jun 04, 2008 12:16

1. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.

2. People who are tagged, write a blog post about their own 8 random things, and post these rules.

3. At the end of your post you need to tag 8 people.

1. The reason I decided to try soy is not because I'm lactose intolerant (which I am), it's because of the Train song "Drops of Jupiter" that I was addicted to my senior year of high school. One line says "the best soy latte that you ever had and... me."

2. Nudity in movies (sexualized nudity, which is what most of it is) really offends me. Before we go see a movie, I check it out on Movie Mom to see the nudity content. I learned this the hard way when Knocked Up didn't state in their ratings that there was nudity. I was so offended that I left the theatre and sat in the lobby. I did the same thing for Hostel- which was essentially soft-core porn.

3. I'm really not as open of a person as I make myself out to be. Actually, not even close.

4. I'm not scared of giving birth. I know it's inevitable, and there is nothing I can do to control the outcome or the process. Why worry?

5. I've stayed thin throughout my adult life by playing mental tricks on myself. Early on (like, 13), I talked myself into thinking that sugary and fatty foods were gross, and as a result, I literally feel SICK after eating even just a little crappy. Looking at them makes me feel sick as well. I talked myself into thinking healthy foods are superior in every way. Don't knock it, it works!

6. I hate body hair. I shave every single day, and have since I was 15.

7. Before Allen, nobody I dated had ever called me "baby." I thought it was something stupid that guys said while hollering at women, and had never heard anyone say it in a way that it sounded good. The first time Allen said it, it just sounded so HOT. He's got a little bit of a rougher flair to him and when he says it, it is so sexy. He really just does it for me :o)

8. I hate it when people say negative things about the way other people look. Looks are such a STUPID thing to judge people by. I don't call people "fat" or "ugly" and dislike when people do. It's never okay to make fun of the way someone looks.

I TAG EVERYONE!!! Except for Aly and Rebecca, who have done it already :o)


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