(no subject)

May 09, 2008 00:18

We made it to Seattle safely. It seemed like a long drive, but I had good company, so it was manageable. I love how driving evokes the good conversations.

However, my back is in pain, as well as my beck/hips/pelvic area. I laid down to go to bed about thirty minutes ago and just ended up really annoyed. I'm getting tired of not sleeping.

I did take two Tylenol PMs about five minutes ago, I hope they kick in soon. I don't like taking drugs, especially not while pregnant, but sh*t, I'm annoyed with this. For the last few weeks I've laid in bed for over an hour and a half before falling asleep and I suspect it only gets worse. I'm going to get a good sleep for oncce.

The good thing is, we made it. Only a few drivers pissed me off on the way (I have this thing about tail-gating, HATE IT!) and we made it. My brother and his girlfriend came over for a bit. My brother's really sarcastic and funny, so I enjoyed that. His girlfriend is super nice. It was good to have everyone together.

I'm a little nervous about my upcoming showers, to be honest. The idea of being the center of attention skeeves me a little bit. I was never a fan of it and don't think I'll suddenly start. Tomorrow I have to venture out to find hostess gifts. I love buying people presents (when I can) but hate it at the same time. I want them to be PERFECT, and they never are. I personally love EVERYTHING people give me, I'm so thrilled to get a gift at all, I guess I just think other people have higher standards than I do.

Packing was difficult. I'm bad enough at making decisions, but pregnant women are notoriously bad at it. That, and we're clumsy :o)

Funny story
I have to admit, I did something silly yesterday.

A little back story: I don't mind if people look at me, it's natural to look at a pregnant woman, but when they STARE at me, it kinda gets to me. Being pregnant, you can't go into any public place without everyone turning to take a look. Some days, it's more annoying than others. And like I said, staring is never okay. People in Yakima tend to stare more than I'm used to, must be a small town thing. That said..

I was walking around the corner to go into a restaurant in "downtown" Yakima to pick up our food. I was by myself. Right before I turned the corner, someone drove by and stared at me SO HARD that they even turned around WHILE THEY WERE DRIVING. Even at the stop light, they were turned around, staring at me.

I stopped and said loudly and rudely "YES, I AM PREGNANT."

I turned the corner and there was a guy sitting there, smoking, staring at me like I was crazy. Okay, I deserved that one :o)

I wished I wasn't alone, or at least had a cell phone handy, because I'm sure I looked like an asshat.

pain, seattle, pregnancy, baby, happiness

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