Seattle... here we coommmmmeeee!!!

May 08, 2008 09:41

We're leaving for Seattle this evening! Hooray! That means I have a lot of things I need to do today in order to get ready.

I have to run a load of dishes, because who wants to come back to a sink full of dishes?
Vacuum the living room and kitchen- the ants will eat anything
Run loads of laundry- neither Allen nor I have too many clothes, so they all should be clean
Oil change- Santa Fe is right at about 3000 miles, it's a good car so I should treat it well!
Take back Allen's shorts- they're way too long. I was surprised he even picked them out to begin with
pack- can't forget the pillow fortress (or I will sleep even more shitty than I normally do), the medicines, tiger balm, heating pad, the shower/picture clothes, comfortable sleeping and lounging clothes
clear out the car-I'm making this seem all hectic, but it means pick up the few receipts and remove the space heater from the trunk. We're going to need all of the space we can get!
two big bottles of water- We both drink a lot of water :o)
take out the garbage
This list might not seem like a lot, but for me 8-months pregnant self, it is. I'm tired just thinking about it.

Doctor's Appointment
Alana and I had a doctor's appointment yesterday. I'm gaining weight nicely, I'm up two pounds from two weeks ago (...hooray...) and measuring right on. My blood pressure is "excellent" (103/60 something).

My doctor told me that this is the turning point. I asked her how much bigger I'd get and she told me "a lot." Baby is about 4 lbs right now and could easily double in weight. She reiterated that I am built very small everywhere and therefore am at a bit of a disadvantage. She said I'd be more uncomfortable than most throughout these last days of pregnancy and the birth would be difficult in some ways. She was trying to be nice but honest.

I brought up perineal massage and whether it is necessary or helpful. We talked about it for a minute and she said that most first time mothers do have some degree of tearing and then said "and you're going to have to remember that everything down there for you is're just built very small... and if your baby is big..I mean.. any sized baby..." I wanted to scream "SPIT IT OUT, DOC! I'm going to likely get torn up, right?"

The good news is, she said there is very rarely a need for an episiotomy. Every doc is different in their birthing philosophy, and while I should have done a little more research in the beginning, I'm finding that hers is in line with mine. I still need to ask about drugs :o)

Now, I have to start my list with a shower, which is actually my favorite part. THE BEST pain relief without drugs!

pain, seattle, pregnancy, baby, happiness, weight gain

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