My back hurts, and I don't sleep well

Mar 16, 2008 12:02

The homework/catch up is going well. I found out I have a paper due tonight at midnight, no length specified. I haven't started it yet but I'm contemplating what it's going to be written about. It's an econ paper about a product or service, how easy/difficult of an entry it would have into the market, a market analysis etc. It doesn't seem too difficult, just a little bit of research. I could have elected to do a group assignment but everytime I tried to email the class to see who didn't have a group (it would have been SO much easier if the prof would have assigned groups) my email kept getting sent back. I got frustrated, and gave up. Usually I don't do as well in a group because I prefer to rely on myself for my grade. I'm thinking about maybe doing something having to do with Starbucks or, in lieu of sleeping like crap for the past month or so, a brand of pregnancy body pillows.
One of the hardest parts about being in school and not on depression medication is how unmotivated I am. NOTHING seems manageable, it all seems too hard. Getting started is always the hardest part.

In other news...
Our furnace finally crapped out, I think. It's been acting funny for about a month. It would hum for a few minutes and THEN produce heat. Now it just hums and stops. It's about 60 in here. We'll have to call the landlord tomorrow. At least we're renting and not responsible to replace things like that.
Allen is out of school until the 25th. Last night he stayed up very late watching tv and playing Madden :o) He's sawing logs right now, he looks so cute. He wants to make sure he gets adequate Madden time before Alana comes, which I could never argue with. It makes him happy and doesn't interfere with our relationship, so it works.
We ate at IHOP last night because I was craving their crepes. Mmm they're good :o) I have a crepe maker here but they don't taste the same.
26weeks 5 days
I'm getting kind of sick of being pregnant. It's a day to day thing. I don't sleep well, I pee a lot, it's just not comfortable. I want to keep her in, of course, for so many logical reasons but man do I want to sleep on my back again. I always feel uncomfortable. Now, I'm getting so big that when I wake up in the middle of the night to pee, it takes me a minute to get up. I also have to get around the body pillow-which I would be lost without. It sometimes really seems unfair that women get to be uncomfortable and sleep like shit throughout their pregnancy, to go through the pain of labor and then sleep like crap until the baby can sleep through the night. All the while, Daddy's sleep is uninterrupted until baby comes.
I'll stop being bitter now.
Really though, I would kill to have a good sleep and not pee so much.

pain, pregnancy, complaining, school

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