Stupid comment from my boss

Mar 14, 2008 22:09

Today, my boss was razzing me about finding out the sex of my baby. It was kind of a three way conversation between myself, Jan and another girl.

Jan: "Catherine cheated. She found out the sex already. Now she doesn't have any surprises in her life. She ruined the only one"
Me: "Really? The only one? Because if you had told me 2.5 years ago that I'd be pregnant, married, and living in Yakima, I wouldn't have believed you! THAT was a surprise!"
Jan: "Well... ya ruined the only surprise in your life!!!"

The day went better, even though she did say some stupid shit. They're on vacation for the next week.

Expect me to disappear, this coming weeks is finals week and I am SO behind!

I hope everyone is doing well!

finals, work, school

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