and i don't think i'll ever come back down

Jul 30, 2007 10:08

HIATUS ♥ ♥ ♥

there's just too much happening at the moment. i'm neglecting lj, i'm neglecting my writing, and i just need some time to organise things and get things running smoothly again. i need a break, because i end up feeling guilty when i don't update for a week. and i just need that feeling gone, for a little while.

i love you all and i miss you so much already. i'll still be around; myspace, email (cathiemcmath @ gmail . com), mobile phone (0409 668 029) - so please, feel free to pester me if you feel so inclined. ♥

i don't want to be away for long. i love this place. i'll be back as soon as i can.

love you all. xoxo


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