faster than i'm falling in love

Jul 23, 2007 19:06

okay. so, hi.

i'm still struggling with time here, guys. i don't know why, but things have just suddenly blown up. work is crazy, stuff at home is crazy, social life is crazy, assignments are crazy - IT'S ALL JUST TOO DAMN CRAZY!!

i've managed to get things sort of semi-organised this weekend, so i'm hoping that i'll be a bit less absent from now on. but seriously, i'm missing you all so so much. it's quite amazing, actually, how much i love you guys. but i really felt it over the past week and a half, not being able to chat and be silly and write sexy sexy smut with you all.


and uh, because i'm rapidly running out of update time (WHERE DOES IT ALL GO?):

+ i've been jotting down fic in the back of my work course book when i can. so don't think i haven't been writing. BECAUSE I HAVE! hopefully up soon is fireworkfiasco's peter pan fic and azuredamsel's house/cam/wilson. and after that, possibly more rpf.

+ i have my new car, and it's so fucking lovely to have my own transportation again. you have no idea.

+ i continue to fall more and more in love with mark every single day. that boy amazes me, sometimes.

+ speaking of the boy -

here's a photo of mark and my brother just before they participated in a tag-team wrestling match. they recently went to an event that was held in victoria that had backyward wrestlers from all over the country.

here's a photo of them in action. my two favouritest boys in the world!

one day i'll have to elaborate a little more on the wrestling those boys do. they're bloody good at it, and put alot of effort into it all. i adore them.

+ link me up if i've missed anything major, kids! fill me in on gossip and such. i feel so out of the loop! trying to catch up with you all, but it's a task and a half!

♥ kisses!

rl: random photos

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