be smart enough to keep your distance

Jul 09, 2007 21:43

i nearly fainted again at the gym today.

i'm okay, nothing happened. but dude. jayson (my trainer) and i have sort of come to a conclusion that it's got something to do with when i really exert my chest muscles (pectorals, in particular).

and i know from my earlier posts about this that quite a few of you have experience with heart murmurs, so i'm asking: have you heard of anything like this before? do you think this has to do with the murmur at all? does anybody know anything about why working THAT particular muscle group would cause me to faint?

i probably should be asking a doctor these questions but, you know. i don't want to. lol.


i have a few things i want to write at the moment. but i just can't seem to get a push on any of them. main priority is writing some house/cam/wilson for my darling azuredamsel (and i'm going to have fun, because i've missed those fucked up three!) but after that?

Poll [my words were faded]

it's 9:42 and i'm going to bed. i'm such a granny.

night night flist. *smooches*


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