sun do shine, sun do shine, SUN DO SHINE!

Jul 08, 2007 23:40

i made the best discovery while grocery shopping tonight.


does anybody else remember this movie? I SWEAR TO GOD i have been looking for it for years. and i could never find it in an australian release. and i don't have a multi-regioned dvd player at the moment, so dude. I SAW THIS TONIGHT AND FREAKED OUT.

and it only cost me ten dollars. can anybody say HELL YES?

i watched it as soon as i got home and couldn't believe i still knew most of the words and sdksadhadsljhad;hl, i pretty much teared up at the end. i freaking love this movie so much and i am so glad i found it.

if you haven't seen it? go rent it, or something. and watch. it's not like the best animated movie ever made -- not even close. but it's cute and clever and has MEANING and goddamn, chanticleer is one of the best heroes ever (even though he doesn't really DO anything! lol! i still luff him!)

so yeah. that kind of made my weekend. *grins*

and just quickly? i want to give the oh so lovely azuredamsel a great big massive cuddle. she's one of the most gorgeous people i have had the pleasure to meet and she deserves nothing but the best. i'm thinking of you, darling. and i'm serious. tell me what you want, and i'll write it.

childish delights

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