Oct 13, 2009 09:48
Nearly two weeks at home and I'm loving being here! The job search is on. Several people here have given me good leads, so I'm pursuing the possibilities. We'll see what comes of it. I'd love to have a job that leaves me energy and time to be involved at church here, which means not working nights & weekends.
I am encouraged with what's happening at my home church, Grace Fellowship. It seems that people are really pressing in, and there's a visible effort to reach the needy local community: meals together to which homeless are invited, help as they procure their paperwork (birth certificates) so they can apply for jobs, etc. Tuesday nights there's a Harp & Bowl (worship and intercession) meeting where we do just that. Usually there's a prayer focus, and in a context of worship, we pray according to the points set before us, as well as however the Holy Spirit leads us.
A few days before my return, Mike & Susi Chellis and their 2 boys came in from Iguala, Mexico. They'll be here for 18 months so that Susi can get her immigration papers (I cannot remember all the details for this exactly). What a delight to be here at the same time as they are! I've been enjoying getting to know their boys, James & Michael, who are 17 and 16. Their girls, Melody & Melissa, are married with 2 kids each, so they stayed in Mexico.
Of course, I jumped right into worship, too, when I returned, and I am happy to be worshiping with a mature group of believers who hears the Spirit speaking and is sensitive to His leading. Just last night we began to meet again on Monday nights. Nathan & Randy have put together some guidelines/fundamentals for the worship team and for others as they desire to get involved, and I really like what they've come up with. Hopefully this will help us have direction and purpose as we lead.
Before I begin work, I hope to have the room where I'm staying all ready to go. What started as a small renovation has become quite a project, and by the time everything's done, we will have:
painted and built a mock wall in the closet to facilitate more & better storage;
drawn another electrical line from the existing one for another light fixture in the closet;
replaced one of the two windows in the room;
replaced the sheetrock under that same window,
insulated the small door into the attic storage space;
patched all the holes;
painted the walls and trim;
carpeted the room;
patched, primed and painted the wooden closet door;
refinished the large table to match my mahogany-finish nesting tables;
procured the dresser Gwenn has for me and (possibly) refinished it to match.
I think that's everything. Did I mention that John & Robert Hudson already completely redid the upstairs bathroom (the one I use) before I even got home? It looks so clean and fresh. Almost everything in there is new. John is the one working on the closet and he's pretty much a miracle worker. When he finishes that, I'll be able to load things back into the closet and get a good start on painting the room. Before I came, Dare cleaned out the attic storage attached to my little room, so I've been able to put my suitcases and a few other things in there--so convenient! When I get the paint & carpet done, I'll get Gwenn's dresser (used to be in Patrick & William's room) and see what I want to do about it, and I'll also clean out of Whitney & Jonathan's attic my stuff that they've been storing for me ever since I left for RO. God is so gracious to me in so many ways.
OH--since I've been back, 3 different individuals have brought me big sacks of clothes that they cleaned out of their closets. I've found several nice items that suit me, and I'm thankful even for the little ways that God takes care of me.
One more thing--Mike & Susi being here gives me a great chance to work on Spanish. In fact, I'd planned to get in touch with my high school Spanish teacher and recruit her in my efforts. With the Chellis' next door in the church apartment, I have even more opportunities to speak. I am determined to get going on this!
Last week I met and hung out with my newest nephew, Joshua Christopher, and I'm thrilled that he's a part of the family now. This weekend I'll be seeing my other nephew and nieces, and their parents, so LIFE IS GOOD! I am sooo blessed!
By the way, I deactivated facebook for the time that I'm job searching. I'll be back soon.