Monday Inspiration: Pushing Daisies

Mar 01, 2010 11:41

In an attempt to motivate myself into posting more often on this blog (even without comparisons to On The Nightstand, postage here is rather lacking), I have decided to do A Thing - an attempt at a weekly meme where I post one thing (a picture, a quote, a video, a song) that has inspired or influenced my writing/a story in one way or another.

Ned and Chuck, the central couple in the prematurely deceased TV show Pushing Daisies, helped inspire me with regards to defining a few subtle traits that help key into the personalities of Delia and Daniel (the MCs of my first novel, Blood Bound). Dee and Daniel were very much formed by the time I really got into Pushing Daisies, but when I noticed vague similarities between the two sets (tall, adorkable and able to bring people into a state of second-life-ish vs short, bubbly and very much alive) another thing became defined.

I had already instinctively started to settle them into a colour scheme (Daniel in somber colours, like Ned, and Dee is brighter ones, like Chuck), but upon noticing the deliberate colour and style schemes for characters 1 I began to pay much closer to clothes and colours, and enhanced the difference in their personalities by looking to characters like Ned and Chuck (mostly Chuck) as ‘fashion models’ for Dee and Daniel.

It seems like such a simple thing, really, but until Pushing Daisies, I just didn’t see it. 2 So: inspiration/influence.
  1. Yes, yes, I know, I was slow. I was clothes (and other stuff) dumb then. [ ]
  2. Now though I have Seanne. She talks all about different things to do with filming like angles and lighting and costuming and filters it is all very very useful to hear. [ ]

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blood bound, influences, writing

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