It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (8)

Oct 06, 2009 23:04

“It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week?” is a weekly event hosted by J. Kaye’s Book Blog, to discuss what we are reading for this week as well as books completed the previous week.

I’m sorry this post is belated and it’s actually Tuesday, but I spent most of Monday at the hospital with family. I am shattered, so I apologise in advance if I sound a little incoherent.

This week I am reading currently reading Ballad by Maggie Stiefvater. I’m only a part way through, but I am enjoying it. I have to say, though, that all my faerie research for NaNo (which is less than a month away - eek!) is making me come at Ballad from a different angle than I did with previous faerie books. Now that I know various backstories of different faerie types and the stories mentioned it adds another layer that I missed previously.

I’m also reading The Angel’s Cut by Elizabeth Knox. It’s the sequel to The Vintner’s Luck, which I read and reviewed a little while back. It’s a whole lot longer than its predecessor (maybe three times the size?), so it will be interesting to see how it goes. I’m only about 25 pages in, so it’s too early to tell you my thoughts other than “so far I want to keep reading”.
Books I’ve Read This Week

In Ashes Lie by Marie Brennan: Finally finished this one, after two weeks of reading it. It was actually very good, just a little long than the first one and in a time period that I was less familiar with. I missed some characters from the first book that are no longer present (due to the century-skip) but I liked meeting new ones too.

Soulless by Gail Carriger: Wasn’t perfect, but it was a whole lot of fun. Insanely quotable, and had me giggling all the way through - plus it had some very cool world-building. Check out the review for more thoughts on the novel.

So that’s another entry in “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week?” What are you reading this week?

Mirrored from On The Nightstand.

it's monday! what are you reading?

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