NaNo 2009

Oct 04, 2009 23:46

Just to let you know I have signed up for NaNo - my username is Amynta if you want to add me. It’s my first year, and I’ll be looking forward to it immensely.

I don’t think I’ll be able to get the full 50k (although if I do that’ll be bloody fantastic), but I do hope that this will motivate me into getting much more than my usual monthly amount written. 30k? I would love that, really.

Anyway, in the meantime I will be working on Lionheart (I did not know I was at the 63% mark until I checked just a little while ago) and dabbling in Bones. And, of course, I’ll be doing prep work for The Circled Green.

I also need to come up with an actual blurb thing for The Circled Green, but not right now as it’s nearly midnight.

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lionheart, the circled green, writing

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