We Interrupt This Lack Of Posting

Sep 16, 2009 00:39

To bring you a very important youtube video.

image Click to view

In other news, I’m wading my way through some awkward scenes for Lionheart - they’re awkward because my brain wants to get to the awesome scenes but I know I have to do these scenes for context, world-building and to start peeling away at the backstory of a main character. Also, everyone needs a wash. Gross. So we’re going to be taking advantage of that.

Plus I am having fun having unintentional (but appropriate) subtext pointed out to me by my betas.

Anyway, I’m at 39 000 words, so expect a “Yippee! Halfway there!” post very soon. In the meantime, some early form of celebration in the form of a new layout. The tag line is going to be my new motto to keep me motivated and positive.

As per usual, if there is something borked in the layout and I haven’t noticed, drop me a line so I can fix it right away.

Mirrored from Catherine-Haines.com.

internet, humour

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