It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (2)

Aug 24, 2009 15:01

I am taking part in a new weekly meme called “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week?” It is a weekly event hosted by J. Kaye’s Book Blog, to discuss what we are reading for this week as well as books completed the previous week.

I’m currently reading Dark Visions trilogy by L.J. Smith. I got this one from Simon & Schuster UK who saw how excited I was about Dark Visions and took pity on me.
So now my L.J. Smith collection is even closer to complete - the only book I don’t have that is currently out is the first in the Vampire Diaries: The Return trilogy, and the rest (The Forbidden Game, Heart of Valor and Night of the Solstice) are either due for reprint release sometime next year or are expected to. I do hope they do The Forbidden Game, as that is my utter favourite of Smith’s books.

Anyway, expect a review of Dark Visions when I am finished, which shall be sooner rather than later.

Because Dark Visions is a trilogy in one, I don’t think I’ll be reading much else this week. I am nearly finished with Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through The Looking-Glass so I will be finishing that this week. And if I have time, I’ll start on The Vintner’s Luck by Elizabeth Knox. It has been made into a movie which will be out in a little bit, directed by Niki Caro (Whale Rider) and features (amongst others) Keisha Castle-Hughes and Gaspard Ulliel. The trailer has already been released. So looking forward to both book and movie - I have read snippets of the book, just not the whole thing. So far so good though.
Books I’ve Read This Week

Lament: The Faerie Queen’s Deception by Maggie Stiefvater: While everyone else has been going on about Shiver I borrowed Lament off my friend Rebekah. Really really enjoyed it, and I was dismayed to see that I would have to wait a while until I can read Ballad. Always the case, isn’t it?

Midnight Never Come by Marie Brennan: Yet another fairy book, this one takes place in Elizabethan England. It was really cool to see the fantasy blend in with historical fiction, as real-life figures like Elizabeth herself appear in the novel. Definitely ordering the sequel, In Ashes Lie which takes place almost a hundred years later.

Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink: I’ve already read and reviewed this book, so I won’t go into my thoughts here, except to say that I really love this book. I’d only read my ARC copy, so since I had got the proper paperback I thought I’d better read that one too.

The Song Is You by Megan Abbott: I finally finished this one. It’s not really long, but it was very easy to put down and even easier to pick something else to read instead. When I was reading it (especially the last bit) I was really engrossed, but eventually it comes down to “not my thing”. Expect a review in the next few days.

So that is my second entry in “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week?” What are you reading this week?

Mirrored from On The Nightstand.

it's monday! what are you reading?

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