
Aug 21, 2009 00:16

I just hit the 30 000 word mark, and at just the point in the story I wanted to as well.

I’ve just ended the chapter at that point with our heroes jumping from the airship being chased by possessed security guards.

Now I am off for the weekend to stay with family in Blenheim. Although I will be doing some writing on the boat rides there and back (three hours each way), I am going to come back refreshed and ready to finish the last part of my goal - bakaknight has promised me a present from New York if I reach the 35 000 word mark by the end of the month.

At about a week and a bit into this month I was fluffing about in a panic because I was so far behind schedule to make that goal. I thought there was no way I could reach 35k now that I had started off so poorly. But I knuckled down and started churning out 1000 words a day for several days. That’s the most I have ever written at once, and it feels good.

So anyway, goodbye, I’ll see you on Monday, and by then I’ll be back and writing! W00t!

Mirrored from Catherine-Haines.com.

milestones, lionheart, writing

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