Teaser Tuesday: Lionheart

Aug 18, 2009 22:40

It’s Tuesday and that means it’s time for a teaser! Especially since I just reached the 28 000 word mark aka 35%.

Anyway here’s a fragment from Lionheart where the main character, Leander, tries to scry for the first time, under the guidances of a hedgewitch. Leander agrees to let Angelika help him as he is feeling really lost and confused on how to find his sister and rescue her.

The nothing of the mirror, and the everything that was not visible, became mist. And then out of the mist loomed shapes which stayed firm, not brief flashes like before. They were tall columns and towering buildings. Palatial homes and proud temples, both made from the same marble.

It was an entire city, and the original that Kingscove was an extremely poor copy of.

The kingdom grew taller, prouder. People scurried by, living out their day to day existence. What Angelika had said was true - he really could see everything if he wished, and was willing to work and go looking for it. He could, and did, watch the rise of the old kingdom, starting off as merely a small group and becoming something great.

And then he watched it all come tumbling down.

The enemy broke through the barriers, both magical and physical, with ease. The mages tried to fight back, but their magic simply rolled over and off them like water off a duck’s back. And when the enemy was finally close enough to attack, there was no mercy for those whose only defense was magical. Or non-existent.

There was no mercy at all. Not for the men. Not for the women. Not even for the children.

And then the city burned.

As Seanne said, “At least they didn’t throw any of the children off the city walls.”

My reply: “I decided not to show that part.”

Mirrored from Catherine-Haines.com.

teasers, lionheart, writing

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