When Characters Get Mad

Jul 26, 2009 16:06

Note: I know my characters are not real, and I control them, but that doesn't keep the part of my brain that houses them from getting uppity at times.

One of my characters is not happy with me. And it has to do with the most superficial of reasons. She has finally appeared in Lionheart, but is not at all happy with the way the viewpoint character describes her.

While her mother is considered a very attractive woman (think Molly Weasley ramped up to over 9000 on the MILF scale), even with her in-universe reputation as a loose woman AND as a witch doing her no favours, her daughter is described (in the first draft) as this:

From what Leander could see, the only way that Gretel took after her mother was in colouring. She had her mother's red hair and pale skin, but that was pretty much where it all ended. Her hair was a cloud of frizzy curls, and her skin was covered with the most freckles Leander had ever seen. While Angelika's face was a classic oval, Gretel's was... Leander felt the best word to describe it was 'odd'. It was like a raindrop falling upward - it was wide at the high forehead, but widest at the puffy cheeks. They tapered in dramatically to a small mouth and jaw, finally ending at an even smaller pointy chin. She stood at about 5'6", about four inches taller than her mother, and her plain brown dress did nothing to suggest she had even a tiny portion of her mother's curves. Her arms and legs were long and skinny, and combined with her boyish figure and large hair made her look extremely awkward and unbalanced; overall, she looked like she had yet to grow into her body fully, despite clearly being around sixteen.

No matter how many times I try to tell her that she looks like a young Lily Cole (but with no make-up/photoshop and having a bad curly hair day), who I have a massive girlcrush on, she's still not happy. It's not helped that our other main "sidekick" character was described far more flatteringly.


lionheart, writing, humour

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