First Line Meme

Jul 12, 2009 21:31

There is a meme going around writer blogs at the moment, thanks in part to a post over on Fangs, Fur and Fey. Basically, you post the opening lines to your finished works and WIPs.

Alright then, here we go!

Blood Bound: I didn’t believe in vampires until my brother came home from college as one of the undead. 1

Bones: It was supposed to be the beginning of a new stage in her life, not the end of it.

He Came From The Sea: According to his older siblings, the humans called it a “body board”. 2

Lionheart: Despite the fact that March was technically spring, the cool, gray day made it feel more like winter.

The Superhero Diaries: “You okay up there?”

There would be more posted here, but Mirror, Mirror was not written at all because I intended it to be my NaNo project; now The Circled Green has that honour instead. And as for the other ideas in my head? Sadly they’re just that. Some do have opening lines - Earthshakers has one - but nothing has actually been written written yet.
  1. I know the one on the writing page is different, but this is the one I like best, and so do a lot of other people. The opening is being rewritten for many things, but restoring this line is a big part of it. [ ]
  2. This story mainly exists as a prologue and half a first chapter. The idea is fleshed out and ready to go, but unfortunately it’s sitting on the side for the moment. Too many other projects at the moment. [ ]

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meme, writing

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