Hi, everyone. I hope someone can help me out with a problem we've been having with one of our two cats...
She is approximately 11 years old and in good health despite the fact that for the past several months, she has been defecating all over the house. Sometimes it's right beside the litter box, other times it's behind the couch, on the kitchen counter, on my sister's bed, on the stairs... anywhere. So far it's only feces, not urine, thankfully. The feces itself usually has good form and looks healthy, but there have been a few odd times where it was diarrhea.
We took her to the vet and they could find no medical reason for this, and said it might be a behavioral problem caused by stress. At the vet's suggestion, we purchased a product called
Feliway. Needless to say, since I'm here, it didn't seem to do much for her. We also tried adding a second litter box, in case there were territorial issues between her and our other cat, but no luck. We haven't changed their food and there haven't been any major changes in our lives that could have disrupted their routine.
Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.