Jul 19, 2006 16:49
Argh - I don't think I can take any more of this sodding heat wave, I wish I could wave it off back to Spain or wherever it's come from! THe office has no air con and is closely resembling a furnace at the moment - it has gone very humid as I think it is about to pour down with rain - ALLEUYAH!!!(sp?)
I'm actually so glad I have work cos if I was at home I would never see anyone, yes I do have no life - this is an official statement people!! I'm trying to persuade my uni friend to join us all on LJ as the uni has blocked Bebo and Myspace but LJ still reigns supreme, obviously :)
Dee is fine, in during the day at the moment as it is so unbelieveably hot! I had to get her a new fly rug because her old one was rubbing and making her sore. Hopefully it is going to get cooler from today so she can go out in the day instead. I might even ride her in the rain tonight if it does rain, just to cool myself down!!
Rosie is better now *touch wood* don''t know if we will ever find out for sure what was wrong but I think and Mum does too that she got cast and hurt her back quite badly. Mum found her in the stable shaking with bedding all over her so we're pretty sure that's what happenned. A chiro released the spasming muscle but it still took weeks to get right - guess it just needed rest etc. BUT she seems ok so might be ok to be ridden when you descend from IOW delta *crosses everything that could possibly be crossed*!
All in all things are ok. Although the water main at the top of our road has burst through the tarmac and washed the road very thoroughly. The prospect of no water in this weather is not a happy one, especially considering we have horses to water tonight *frowns* I hope that SWW have fixed it otherwise we're going to do some serious yelling, I could do without a dehydrated horse! Plus I don't really want to come to work tommorrow having not had a shower....mmmmm.....pungent!
Also - two more fillings *pokes jaw gently* - the dentist had some shit powerful injection stuff (my nose was numb for ages as well as my teeth!) but no its wearing off the affect of the brain dissolving vibrations is definately OWWWWW! But *pats the dentist* he was very good and it didn't hurt at the time at all :)