Apr 30, 2005 23:57
So I am officially a certified environmental technician, woot!
Last night was way too much fun. Kevins brothers place is sooooo nice, and we had a beach fire in APRIL, which is amazing. I love fire. :) What, Kelly's a pyromaniac? never ::shifty eyes::
Arizonas was also a blast, despite being a moderate meat market. I wasn't driving so I drank enough to reach dancing level... hah oh lack of dancing co-ordination, how I love thee. Also I am troubled, as I made out randomly with a cute punk boy (or so I assume from the black hoodie which is the mark of the punk boy in their natural habitat hahah) named Tom who goes to niagara for welding or something along those lines. My troubledness comes not with that, as it was a swell bout of making out, but rather I am worried I am a non-sex slut. (I would also like to point out I DID NOT go back to his friends car as propositioned, since I am a good girl) Hrrrmmm, can you be a slut and a virgin at the same time? This is something to ponder I believe. ::shrugs:: Ah well, it was fun regardless :) Yay boys. I hope I don't get mouth herpes.
2 days until I am a mosquito hunting superhero again. I shall call myself VEXANS VIXEN! I am a weirdo. This is a fact