(no subject)

Apr 29, 2011 23:54

[Open dreamshare.]

Juhani stood in a combat stance on packed dirt. Armored figures rushed at her with swords. She had her lightsaber, but she didn’t need it. It stayed at her belt.

Instead she met them barehanded.

Always, she was where they were not. She ducked and leaped, bent and swayed. Juhani was never still for so much as a second. The men in armor floundered after her, often tricked into striking each other. Their blades rose sparks off their own armor, and left deep scores in it. Those blades passed close to her body, but never marked her. She was too fast, too adept.

She didn’t just dodge, either. Her hands and feet and elbows and knees flashed, always going to the right places, always with the right weight and momentum behind them, and it didn’t matter if she was making a blade of her hand and driving it into the gaps in the armor around the joints or just shoving at the right moment. She knew what she was doing, and she was doing it well. It didn’t matter that they were armed and armored.

Juhani handled them, all of them, with ease.

“I!” she shouted joyously, leaping into the air to land on one of them as he was trying to stand. He was flattened by the impact. “I will be your doom!” Her enemies faltered, cowered, and ran before her. She chased for only a little ways, only long enough to know they were not planning to return, and stopped. The exercise left her energetic; under her fur, she was slightly flushed.

The Force hummed and sang in her veins, as if it smiled approval. Juhani turned.

The one she called Stranger was before her, within arm's length, armored and masked in black and gray and rusty red.  Her Force-signature was like a tower of fire rising to the skies. Though she wasn't terribly tall, she seemed unlike her surroundings, more real than anything else here.

She was the most magnificent thing that Juhani had ever encountered.

Juhani reached out, but let her hand fall again. Her happiness was gone, and she was uncertain. Suddenly she wondered if she shouldn’t just... go.

Stranger reached up with both hands and removed her own mask. There was no face beneath it. Simply darkness. Total, utter darkness. And she knew there was nothing there.

Juhani found that she was not surprised or disturbed. She was... sad, but it was an old sorrow. She closed her eyes and turned her Force-sense inwards, away. "If only you would not go," she said quietly.

She waited for a response.

It never came.

When she looked, when she turned her attention outwards again, Stranger was gone.


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