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The cats have sort of been driving me crazy all week. They have no long term memory.... as in longer than 5 minutes. I know they are going nuts with the weather and the snow. I watched one of them try to wade in it briefly, which was amusing.
I've been struck recently with how they can be so smart and so dumb at the same time. Case in point: I get them treats which come in heavy ziplock plastic bags. We also get dried cherries that come in a bag that looks just like the treat bag. Weeks ago, I accidentally left the cherry bag on the table and went to work. I returned to the scene of a crime. There was quite a struggle between the perp and the cherry bag though no cherries were harmed. They must have spent hours trying to get into the bag. What astounds me is that they didn't figure out that it smelled like cherries. I know smell isn't a cat's best sense but if you get hot and heavy with a bag of cherries for long enough, wouldn't you be able to detect the scent?
Though it's possible that one cat likes dried cherries. We could leave bacon and finely chopped chicken doused in ground beef with tuna juice on the counter and they wouldn't go near it. A bowl of oatmeal though........ not safe from Dosha.
The picture is me restraining a completely freaked out cat so my niece can pet the kitty. It's amazing the amount of fear a small child can produce in a cat.