As exhaustion sets in...

Aug 10, 2005 22:07

L has gotten up before 5:30am for the last 5 or 6 days in a row. And for the last 3 or 4, he's been getting up around 4:30am. And let's all take one guess who's gotten him every one of those early mornings! hasn't been HER!

So, yeah, I'm exhausted. And once I'm up like that, I tend to stay awake. In fact, a couple of the mornings, I've gotten him at 4:30ish...finally get him back to sleep (or, at least, awake but quiet) by 5-5:15...and FINALLY manage to fall back to sleep around 6...only to have him wake up again at 6:15 or so. ARRRRRGHHHHH!!!!!

(And yes, that was a Charlie-Brown-going-to-kick-the-football-but-Lucy-pulls-it-away-at-the-last-second-scream.)

OK. That's all I've got. I *really* need to remember to update this more often. Not that it matters. Only one person reads it. Well...only one person ever posts anything. Not sure if anyone else reads it. *shrugs*
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