Jan 25, 2012 23:31
Creature features are where it's at for cheesy, brain-dead fun. It's my goal to watch a metric sh!t ton of them year - the cheesier, the better. I learn so many interesting...facts...from them...and I hope to share them all with you :)
I'm starting the series off with "Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus" (2009, 85 minutes, rated R). So here we go, in no particular order...
Things I Learned:
- It is perfectly acceptable to knock boots, eat, and drink in a science lab.
- You know you're doing your science right when your beaker starts glowing like Slimer's ectoplasm.
- Scientists working with chemicals at home don't need to wear lab coats. Scientists staring at a whale carcass on the beach do need to wear lab coats.
- Irish people and computers are magic!
- Government officials don't need to follow the standard MIB dress code as long as they are willing to look like a skinny Steven Seagal instead.
- Machine guns look a lot like spraypainted Nerf guns, and submarine controls look a lot like joysticks.
- Both the American and Japanese Navies favor identical uniforms, and are surprisingly willing to let their captains be bossed around by random civilians.
- Both the American and Japanese Navies hand out mini-subs like candy.
- Remember, kids, this is a monster flick, not a slasher flick - stick with the chick (even post-coitus) if you wanna live.
- Sharks like to eat bridges, planes, cars, and submarines.
- Who needs cryogenics when you have the polar ice?! Did you hear that, Walt Disney? How about you, Ted Williams?
- You can cruise around in a mini-sub in the Artic for hours and hours, wearing only a tank top, without getting hypothermia, goosebumps, or high beaming.
- A movie called "Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus" will only show said shark and octopus for 5 minutes' worth of screen time, max.
- Are most viewers impressed by the psuedo-scientific/military jargon?
- Did Debbie Gibson always have a lisp?
- The woman MC solved two of the three major problems without male assistance
- The Asian MC was a sex symbol and romantic lead
Stay tuned for more life lessons!
mega shark vs giant octopus,
what i learned by watching