Apr 18, 2004 18:44
i just came back from a horrible trip from berkelely and had no fun and was miserable the whole time. so i come home and go on aim and am talking to macey and she says i am on that gossip site and im like "oh shit".well it turns out that my "friends" katie and carolyn started it and said stuff about me. and then other shmucks said i was "preppy" and stuff. well it was mean. but there was jena and macey who stood up for me. that was cool. but do you think you would post on a lame-ass gossip that your friend pisses you off. not really. thanks but no thanks. i think i will just now focus a lot of my energy into other things, such as tennis and school i guess. or doing my chores. that should help.
btw: i saw a great tennis match over the weekend! with berkeley and ucla. of course berkeley lost but it was still coolio to watch.