I think she'll remember she loves me. Eventually.

Apr 07, 2011 22:43

It is a fact universally acknowledged that I rather adore my sister, Bron.

As she's the organised family-oriented one of the two of us, she cleverly realised that our sister-in-law, Nici, was coming up for her 40th birthday, which occasion therefore necessitated a Special Present (I am crap at remembering my sibs-in-lawses birthdays; apparently I'm a subconscious genetic snob, because I have all the nieces' birthdays burned into my brain, and rang my mother today because it was her mother's birthday, and I know she can feel a little down sometimes, remembering Nan - but the sibs-in-law? Nope. Complete blank. I can sometimes remember the month. Maybe. On a good day, with the wind behind me.)

Anyways, Bron and I always like to be nice to Nici because she inexplicably married our brother, thus keeping him (a) off the streets and (b) out of our hair and (c) entertained and amused via the daughter she obligingly produced, Miss Georgina. (We also rather like being aunties to Georgie, so props to Nici all round.)

Bron's proposal: my mother and I send her fabric we liked that we thought was about right for Nici, and she (Bron) would incorporate it into a quilt-like object. As she's rather talented in such things, I accordingly put on the pith helmet, and took myself off to the fabric place.

And something went a little sideways. Normally I go into a sort of fugue state, then come out of it at the service desk with my arms full of either vaguely-coordinated fabric, or parts that kinda sorta map to a vague plan in my head. There's a semblance of method in my madness.

But tonight: oy vey! Things spoke to me, all right, but I appear to have had a brief sojourn in the tower of babel. The lady on the desk looked politely at my fabrics and said: "....a couple of different projects is it, dear?"

I explained no, all for one. I thought. Maybe? I didn't know. I liked them all and they all reminded me of my rather daggy and impish sis-in-law.  So that was good, right? (at which point the counter lady got to the yellow-with-coloured-spots in the pile and gave me a look. Eep.)

And if I was having trouble.....what was this going to do to the there-are-RULES-you-know Quilting Queen? I don't think she will love me very much when she opens the parcel I'm sending her tomorrow.....

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