As I have liederfest tomorrow night (or at least my heat in same), AND as the makeup was running low AND as I desire a more glamorous look for performing, today I bit the bullet and went and got my makeup revised by the lovely Lisa the beautician (seriously: as well as being completely lovely as a person she is just stunning, in a Love-in-a-Cold-Climate-one-just-wants-to-gaze-and-gaze sort of way).
And so, for your delectation I present: the Hackneyed In The Bathroom Mirror Photo. It sux, as the lighting is all overhead and you can't see all the nice things she did to make my eyes suddenly look three times bigger; and the orangeyness of the bathroom (it's a late 80s out-of-control-apricot deal) cancels out the lip gloss. But you can sort of get an idea. (And soon the cheekbones will be even more prominent, cos it's the good stuff, and I will be eating a lot of soup in the next fortnight...sigh.)
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