Svodriyth - a real good fella

Jul 22, 2007 23:07

Introducing Talien's partner in crime.... Svodriyth, the incredibly amazing blue wonder!

Undying Love Egg
A near perfect oval, this moderate-sized egg is a study in pristine perfection. Upon the upper two-thirds, a background of lazy sky blue dominates, while the lower third of the shell is held by shades of pine, soft mauve, and reflective azure. These hues develop into shapes that hint at shrub-dotted terraces split by a long, rectangular, reflecting pool and paths. Dominating the tranquil scene is an edifice of incipient, antique white which rises gracefully into the heavens with soaring columns at its four corners. Central ramparts rise proudly in gentle lace to a curved, spire-topped dome.

This egg was inspired by the Taj Mahal, which has to be one of the most elaborate gifts of love ever built. Ironically enough, this was a gift in death, not in life. The beautiful Taj Mahal is actually a mausoleum for the emperors favorite Persian wife. For more info -- Wiki: Taj1.jpg (Credit: Caitlyn)

Nabrimeth pauses a while after her previous egg is laid, the gold resting quietly. Wrencath dares to wiggle closer to her, extending his neck so that he may gently rub his cheek against his mate's neck. The tired young gold gives a soft croon, a wuffled sigh, and then once again moves off to another patch of sand. The bronze hurries before her to dig a quick depression, his tail smoothing it just so -- and with a low grunt, Nabrimeth hovers over it, depositing her final token of fruitful union onto the hot sands.

Undying Love Egg has waited long enough, thank you. The egg begins to quiver violently, the new life within arguing with its beautiful prison. Finally, the hatchling yields once more, allowing the tranquil beauty of the ovoid one last moment of glory while the creature inside regains strength. Tiny fissures now crackle from apex to bottom as the rocking resumes. One talon-tipped paw punches through the shell, gripping the large fragment and crumbling it ruthlessly before being joined by a second and tearing the egg asunder to gain freedom with a trumpet of pride.

Stately Scoundrel Blue

Fashioned as if by turns of weathering and seeming to glisten with a lustrous briny-blue, the chiseled features that build the rugged form of this flinty hatchling are startling, and yet quite striking. Natural grace stems from a trim, well-proportioned frame and supple neck, while broad shoulders and powerful legs afford him a stance as solid and unyielding as a mountain. A delicate muzzle of hewn slate that tapers quite sharply from headkobs to narrow tip handsomely sets off a strong jaw line and softens his stony features. Craggy adornments of polished adamantine form his exquisite eye-ridges and a row of artful crests that run the length of his neck and tail. When extended, his wings with their rich, steely pinions and glacial sails appear well suited to aerial mastery.

Svodriyth's looks were inspired by the beautiful Gola dell'Alcantara. The Alcantara is a river that runs through Sicily, the gola being a gorge where it spills through a rocky chasm, reflecting blue on the chiseled stone walls.   Check it out here!  Final Size: 30.4

Head held proudly aloft and wings folded in a business-like manner, the Stately Scoundrel Blue continues to suavely stroll along the line of candidates. He weaves here and snaps there, appearing to enjoy making some of the people squeak or back peddle. He pauses with a snort, shifting his gaze to stare purposefully at someone just out of reach. Then, with a more impatient stride, he hurries to make sure no one will claim his chosen one. The blue charges right up to stand nearly nose to nose with a hazel eyed young woman.

Raucous sounds disappear in an instant as, like a mental pin prick, a shock ripples throughout your body. As this fades, something new lingers in your mind, a warm presence, growing increasingly as if to overwrite your very being. A wave of heat begins in your temples, running through your veins so that your body aches with the fire and just before it threatens to overwhelm, the feeling changes and the flames die to become a comforting warmth that leaves your thoughts wrapped in a loving embrace. << Hey, chin up beautiful. You passed the test and I, Svodriyth, am gonna take good care of you, >> a male baritone notes with good humor. The protective feeling grows, becoming more familiar as it settles about you. << How about you and me finding something to eat now, hmm? >> Svodriyth requests in good humor.


Svodriyth is all suavity and charm -- a dashing gentleman with a good sense of humor and a quick wit. He comes across as good natured, if perhaps a bit of a smooth talker, often lulling people into a false sense of security. People will see him as striking and enjoy the mixture of playfulness and dignity he exhibits. Dragons will note that he is a rather commanding presence, for a blue. Digging a little deeper, a dark side lies hidden where only you can see the fullness of it. Where there is wit, there is harshness and where there is humor, there is anger. Svodriyth is not a dragon to be taken lightly, let no one make that mistake. Unpredictable as the whims of the sea and just as harsh, Svodriyth is a passionate blue that will love and cherish you, Talien. He will endeavor to protect you from any hardship or perceived threat -- perhaps even to the determent of others and against your wishes.

Right from the start Svodriyth will be protective and interested in making your life better. He'll dote over you, often calling you 'beautiful' or perhaps some other pet name that he overhears being lavished on someone's dame of choice. While he's quite capable of being independent from the start, Svodriyth will be content to sit back and let you dote over him. In fact, if you don't, he'll quip about being neglected or offer sarcastic remarks in the hopes of spurring you into action. Listening carefully and getting beyond those sharp-tongued comments, you'll realize that Svodriyth is a rather sensitive fellow with a large amount of masculine pride. It's this bravado that sparks his cheeky wit, especially when he desires more of your time and attention.

Throughout weyrlinghood Svodriyth will strive to excel in the exercises and activities, encouraging you to do the same. Competitive and yet careful to pick battles he is more likely to win, Svodriyth will often rise to the challenges of his competitive clutchsibs. In these challenges, he'll expect your encouragement and praise, getting sullen and sulky if you oppose them or don't seem to believe in him. However, this doesn't mean he won't do them anyway. Svodriyth also isn't opposed to cheating in order to come out the winner, which will lead the others to create more specific rules to try and keep him in line. Oddly enough, Svodriyth won't stand for you cheating. He cheats so that you don't have to, after all. Generally speaking, he'll be an attentive learner, if somewhat glib about trying to amuse himself during lessons he finds uninteresting. In any struggle you might face during lessons or in life, he'll be there to help you through with a joke and his doting affection.

While Svodriyth doesn't mind getting down and dirty, he just doesn't feel right if he isn't his pristine, debonair self. After a good lark in the mud, a bath and proper oiling is definitely in the cards. As for those pesky itchy spots, Svodriyth will do his best to disguise the true ones and invent others. After all, a well-oiled hide turns heads, so why not get as much of it as possible? He'll keep you busy slathering on the oil and pampering him until you put your foot down.

As he grows, Svodriyth will keep the same roguish charm, better able to pull it off thanks to his large size and maturity. His movements will be graceful on land, in the water and especially in the air. Svodriyth will be a considerably large blue and he'll become well aware of this, lording his size over the smaller blues and browns that aren't much bigger. Posturing coupled with his strength of resolve might lead him to be a daunting figure to some. Bullying aside, he is not a brute, he just likes people to know where he stands. And that is definitely between you and any trouble he can prevent. You will continue to be the center of his attention, well, until one of those lovely greens begins to glow. Then, you'll need to patiently wait for him to get his head out of the clouds.

Those lovely greens in all their wonderful shapes, sizes and shades will bring out the best in him. Pulling off sweet talking, high flying and a more subtle suavity than his brothers, Svodriyth will seek to keep himself in the good graces of the weyr's greens. Hopefully, this will help put him at the forefront of their frenzied thoughts when they rise, or so he hopes. When the time comes for him to give chase, Svodriyth won't hold back. This will be the one time when your needs and wants are pushed aside to be replaced with his own desires. Svodriyth will push himself to his very limits, able to last longer than smaller blues, but falling short on stamina compared to the larger browns and bronzes. What he does gain is an edge of fancy flying. With a frame somewhere in the middle, he has a wonderful mix of aerodynamics and raw power that will not only make for some fun flying for you, if you are up to it, but will make him a great competitor in green flights.

When it comes time to fight Thread, Svodriyth will take a laid back approach. If he must, he must. If you are able and have a strong desire to do so, then he'll do what he's gotta do and with flare, I might add. If something should hinder your ability, he will be perfectly comfortable letting others do the dirty work for him. Just like every dragon, he hates Thread from his core, but he'll take his cues from you when it comes time and you'd best appreciate it because Svodriyth has strong opinions and ideas in every other area that will keep you on your toes.

When Svodriyth speaks, a passionate fire crackles very softly behind each word while languid smoke billows through the mind of the recipient in a casual, if very noticeable, presence. There's an intriguing aroma of appetizing herbs and spices. Svodriyth's voice is a pleasant baritone that usually conveys good-humor in a calm, laid back manner. There is an underlying hint of power that lingers behind his words, ready to be unleashed with roaring flames and a choking smoke if he should be roused to anger.

Svodriyth's personality was inspired by the suave men of mystery in the original Sicilian mafia known as Cosa Nostra. Their strength of character, not to be confused with integrity, came with a set of strong family traditions and even spread from Italy to the United States. Family members swore in their sons and nephews, forging a tightly knit community that took care of each other. Assisted by their secret brotherhood, they gathered support in all areas of society from within, young mafia members being encouraged to grow into positions with prestige and power like, local government. These networks were used for the benefit of the family, though this often involved some under the table deals. Wiki: Mafia

Svodriyth's name takes us farther north, coming from the Russian word for freedom, svobodye. His name is pronounced Zvo-dreeth.

A blue scoundrel from undying love,
Who trumpets and may sometimes shove.

Competitive, yes,
  But with some finesse,
He'll beautifully soar high above.

Svodriyth was made expressly for you, Talien, by Tavrie. (Doesn't she just rock, folks? I mean, come on!)

Fellow weyrlings:
A'son and Nikoth
N'thei and Wyaeth
Madison and Seteth

svodriyth, vignette

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