HRW Hatching: Part the First

Jul 22, 2007 01:14

The what: History in the making! HRW's eggs hatch, Candidates Stand and some Impress.
The who: Tavrie, S'kris, I'daur, Ayson, Nathein, Madison, Raykini, Emilly, Satiet; a slew of dragonets as well as Nabrimeth and Wrencath.

From the bowels of the Weyr, a low thrum rises, gaining strength and volume as excitement seems to race through the bowl. The sound starts to vibrate the walls and the ground.

Candidate Barracks, High Reaches Weyr(#430RAIJs$)
This is a large, high ceilinged cavern cut from the rock. There are rows of depressions on the floor, couches for the young dragons who will soon live here. For now, cots have temporarily been brought in for the candidates while they bide their time, waiting for the exciting day when the eggs will hatch. Men keep to one side and women to the other. At the foot of each cot lies a small press for storing clothing and other small items.

The cavern has been decorated with old dragon tapestries hung on the walls, their colors slightly faded. A threadbare rug in the middle of the room bears the emblem of High Reaches Weyr, a mountain range in black on a dark blue field. A few low tables, chairs, and pillows have been scattered about the room, and baskets of glows placed strategically throughout the room keep the place well-lit. An opening in the southwest leads out into the Bowl.

I'daur knows what it means as soon as the sound goes up; by the speed he gets to the barracks, he either had some kind of advance warning or was very close by. He stops in the doorway to glance out over the candidates already in there, stepping aside to let a couple more come dashing in. All he says is, "Well, get your robes on, then."

Nathein lays halfway on, halfway off of his cot: His legs hang over the end of it, feet on the floor with one sandal on and the other one still a work in progress; his back is flat on the cot while he works on fixing the straps on the second sandal. The first hint of vibration slows his work. By the time it reaches a full-fledged hum, his hands have stopped altogether and he starts sitting up. "Not very ceremonious, is it?"

Talien would be one of those dashing in. Sandwiched between her fellows, she still hesitates upon passing by I'daur to shoot a look up at him. Then it's on to her cot and the press at it's end where she takes a knee to dig out her robe. There's yet one more pause as Talien holds it out before her, then quickly enough switches her current clothes for the robe. Another dive into the press brings out her sandals which Talien slips on as she pulls her hair back into a loosely bound tail.

I'daur's expression is sober as he starts through the barracks, checking robes and sandals and hair, making sure each candidate is appropriately dressed while he still has them in the barracks. "Hurry up," he urges a couple of pokey girls before a quick head count assures him that everybody is actually present now. He's still calm, moving purposefully and quickly. "Line up by the door when you're ready."

Nathein mumbles to himself as he wedges his foot into his sandal, frowns at the end result. He flips open the lid of his press, a deft flick of the wrist shortly to unfurl his robe. "And me without my ribbons and barrettes." This mutter kept until I'daur is a few cots down the line. Shortly, the big candidate is all changed and looking wondrously stupid with his knees showing as he joins the line.

Madison giggles a bit as she hurries up and looks around at the others before she beams. "In order by name? Or just height? or?" Madison asks quickly, looking to I'daur.

Raykini quickly pulls on his robes, hopping a bit on a foot as he tries to shove his sandal onto his feet, only to repeat the process with the other foot. When he's finally done dressing, he moves to join the line, smoothing out his robes in the process.

Ayson is dressed and ready. When I'daur gives the order to get in line, he's quickly on his way to doing so. He smoothes out any wrinkles and hastily pulls off a loose thread while he waits for the next order.

Talien gives the tail of her hair a final, harsh tug to pull it entirely through the cord binding it in place. For all her effort she winces and then turns around to try and spot Ayson. It doesn't take her long and she quickly steps into line behind him while anxiously wringing her hands together.

"Don't think it really matters," I'daur notes, giving Madison a glance, his mouth twitching briefly into a half-smile before he moves on. Then: "Everybody ready?" he calls out, limping his way back up to the front of the line. He makes one last double check that there are no egregious robe violations before nodding one and straightening a little more. "Then follow me." And he sets off, leading the way out of the barracks to the ledges and the sands beyond them.

Weyrleaders' Ledge, High Reaches Weyr(#480RAIJLs)
A flight of steps worn smooth with time lead up to a broad flat area with enough room for a gold and her consort to sprall and lounge. Openings lead to a room used for conferences, the Weyrwoman's private room, and the hatching sands themselves. A round table of well polished hardwood sits in one corner and is surrounded by chairs.

On the ledges, I'daur stops again, in front of the entrance to the sands. He takes a look out over the candidates, lips pursed, expression once more solemn. "You know the drill. Constant vigilance. Get out of the way of any of 'em that start coming toward you--they'll tear you up. Half the time they're clumsy enough to do it even if you've impressed 'em. Everybody got that?"

Madison nods her head. "Yes sir." The young girl says, looking a bit nervous all the while. "Constant Vigilance." She reahces out to touch Ayson's elbow. "Good luck Ayson." She looks to her other friends, Tailen, Raykini and even Nathein. "You too." She offers. "G'luck."

Raykini gives a soft nod as he follows behind the group, his arms wrapped lightly about his chest. He sways rather uncomfortably in his spot, a rather indifferent look on his face. He gives a nod in agreement, "Yes, sir." He smiles briefly to Madison, "Thanks Madi, good luck to you too."

Public announcement: Satiet announces "Hey there, folks! High Reaches Weyr is all thrumming with imminent hatching vibrations and humming meaning Nabrimeth and Wrencath's eggs are about to hatch! We'd love to have you here to celebrate the occasion with us! You can get to High Reaches easily by @tel #510 to get to our galleries or @tel #512 to hit the ledges. :)"

Nathein spends the first part of the trek trying to recapture his dignity, but he gives it up about halfway here and just forgets about his knees showing and his makeshift sandals. By the time I'daur imparts his foreboding wisdom, Nathein has settled for a look of comic suffering; "Very reassuring advice, sir. So noted." He cracks a smile, then a slightly wider one for Maddie's well wishes. "Constant vigilance, shrimpy."

Talien's nervous hand-wringing subsides at I'daur's solemn statement, to which Talien responds with a silent nod of her head and a furtive look out past his shoulder to whatever she can spot on the sands.

Ayson nods silently, shifting on his feet. His lips are pursed as he glances from I'daur and then to the others that are around him.

When he's sure that that message has been impressed, one last time, on the candidates, I'daur gives a brief nod in return, before he steps aside of the entrance. "Good luck," he tells them, with one of those fleeting wry smiles. "Get on out there."

Hatching Sands, High Reaches Weyr
The sands are stiflingly hot beneath your feet, nearly burning through your footwear and keeping even this large high cavern quite warm. A mound of sand has been gathered up in the center of the cavern, and this is where the queen has laid her eggs and watched lovingly over them while they hardened. Now finally the eggs have started to rock and hatch, and the cavern is filled with the humming of dragons, the cheers of the spectators, the scared and hungry creels of the dragonets, and the muffled encouragments of the candidates.

Bordering the sands to the south and west are the tiered benches of the galleries. Ledges for spectating dragons jut out from the cavern walls in every direction high above. A dark passageway leads off the sand towards the senior queen's weyr.

Raykini moves slowly into the hatching cavern, pausing just shy of the entrance to offer a deep bow. He holds it for a moment or two before rising to his full height. He lets his eyes flicker over to his friends, keeping close to them as he starts to move onto the sands.

Talien keeps at least one other candidate in her line of sight as she moves onto the Sands. As she bows to the clutch Dam and Sire her movements are stiff and jerky and in joining the loose semi-circle about the eggs, just plain stiff. Square shouldered and with her hands deadlocked into white-knuckled fists behind her back, Talien inhales deeply and waits.

Nabrimeth shifts restlessly, shifting her attention from the eggs to the white-clad candidates. The queen rumbles softly, tentatively, seeming unsure. "It's alright, love. This is their day, your little ones and these chosen," Tavrie encourages the new mother patiently, smiling at the candidates in a welcoming manner.

Nathein fires a shifty look up at the galleries after ducking through the tunnel. He allows himself one fidget, just to straighten the shoulders of his robe, and then the appropriate bow toward the dragons; Nabrimeth is the recipient of an especially deep bow, to be followed by wary watchfulness until Nathein finds his place toward the gathering semi-circle.

Coming out into the sands, Madison looks towards the eggs that rock back and forth before she nervously looks at the Sire and Dam. She bows deeply to both before she hurries onto the sands. Looking around to find Ayson she hurries to his side. "Can I stay here?"

Ayson bows to the sire and dam before moving past them, finding a place to stand in the semi-circle. The arrival of Madison is greeted with a small smile, the best he can afford. "Of course you can, Maddy."

Great Rainforest Egg gives one slow, subtle twitch, a movement that could almost be lost in the urgency of other, more impatient eggs. This one is waiting, biding its time: ready but waiting for some signal, for someone else to make the first move.

Raykini moves to shift near Talien, offering a little smile to her, "Mind if I stand near you?" he asks tentively, casing a quick glance to the shaking eggs, a frown pulling at his lips. "Shards, It's really happening isn't it?"

S'kris is leaned up casually against the big, quivering hunk of bronze that's resting near Nabrimeth. He's warbling excitedly, whirling eyes fixed on the white shapes just over yonder and shifting his claws a bit in the sand. Soka just grins over at Tavrie for a moment, utterly beyond words for once.

Guiding Light Egg shudders and topples over sideways to come to rest on the sands where it stills in silent contemplation. The illusion of light at the apex appears to emit a pulsing beacon as small movements from within swell and contract the shell in the beginnings of a hatching dance.

Tossing and turning as if in the throes of a terrible nightmare, Mystery's Blood Egg finally cracks open and opens wide, exposing the revelation of lucid green still caught within its confines. The ethereal green is reluctant to leave her nest, but when she does, it's to flee directly to a delicate young woman with pale curls. Ukeila utters a breathless, "You're safe with me, Kyobeth," and bursts into tears.

Madison looks up towards Ayson, sawallowing a bit as she points to the eggs. "Look, they're rolling around!" She reaches out and squeezes Ayson's hand. "Eh... Oh!" She points. "One hatched and Impressed already!" She ohs!

Nathein pulls a frown after overhearing Raykini; "It better be happening. I did not come all the way out here, dressed like this, in front of all those people." He tosses his head toward the galleries. "For this to be a false alarm." Despite light-sounding words, he jitters a nervous step when eggs move, another when the first hatches.

Talien greets Raykini with a tense smile, "Only so many spots." she says, her voice shaky with nerves and excitement. Sweeping a glance on down the line past him, Talien nods once to herself then looks back to the corner of the clutch she stands closest to. Opting to fix her attention there, Talien stares straight ahead but still stands with the obvious tension of someone trying to hear everything going on around them.

Raykini nods his head absently as he wraps his arms over his chest, his eyes narrowing a little. "Shards..." And all ready an impressing, "Did you get that/ I don't even think I know him." He turns to Nathien, "Well, me neither. We didn't get all dressed up for nothing."

Nabrimeth, relaxing and catching Wrencath's excitement trumpets gleefully, rearing up slightly to show her joy. Tavrie laughs warmly, slapping the gold and then returning S'kris' smile. "I just can't believe it, look at them," she notes the newly hatched pair. Could that be the bubbly blond dabbing at a tear?

Ayson lifts his hand, and gives Talien the smallest of waves when she looks down the line. He bites his lower lip when the first impression is made. He takes a deep breath and nods to the girl next to him. "It's going to go fast. Faster I think, than I thought."

Great Rainforest Egg's twitch is more pronounced this time, a finger on a trigger flinching as it comes inexorably closer to that moment when it will release. Impatience is visible in the faint quivering of its shell, but it holds still, and steady, unscathed and unbroken for a few moments longer.

Madison looks up to Ayson and nods. "I'm so nervous. You'll make sure and not get hurt, right?" She asks.

Nathein laughs nervously. "If you call this getting dressed up..." He plucks at the front of his robe, peels it away from where sweat has started to stick it to his skin, tries to fan himself with the fabric.

S'kris catches sight of at least one familiar face high up in the ledges, but only if he squints a little. His lopsided grin edges a bit moreso and he steps a bit closer to Tavrie, digging a kerchief out of his pocket and discreetly offering it to the goldrider. "Here, darlin'. See? Everything's going /just/ fine. I am so /awfully/ proud of them." Eggs? Candidates? The clutchparents? Maybe all of them. Wrencath bugles merrily and bounces a little in place.

Ayson half smiles this time, gently, "I won't get hurt. You have to promise to not get hurt too, okay? Don't throw yourself in front of anything, got it?"

Guiding Light Egg takes up movement once again which now that it is free of its sandy cradle, simply serves to steer it around in an ever widening circle. The flashing of color from the apex that scatters the first few delicate shards of shell with the rolling motion, gives the impression of the egg discarding 'veils'.

A powerful force struggles within the Buried Battles egg and finally triumphs, sending splinters and bits of shell /everywhere/. The resulting brown is rather large, his hide just a few shades lighter than carob. After taking only a few moments to orient himself, he's carrying himself with a steady pride that brings him to the feet of Ronayil. R'yil, formerly a guard at Bitra, reaches out to place a hand on one dark eyeridge and to say, "I'm yours, Eluth."

Tavrie simply beams at S'kris, accepting the kerchief as subtly as possible and turning from the sands to dab at her eyes. "This is quite possibly the...well, second most amazing day of my life," she admits, shifting back around in time to see the brown choose. "Oh, what a handsome fellow," the goldrider croons.

Raykini laughs absently, running a hand through his hair as he droops his head, eyeing the white mess that is his robe. " is a bit demeaning...I'm certainly not going to wear it again after this." He leans forward as another dragon is shelled, wrinkling his nose. "It's happening faster than I thought."

Wayward Desperado Bronze                         
Dusty hide like cracked old leather lends this bronze a world-weary look that hangs well on his lanky frame. He's rangy, tall, and broad-chested, with long limbs ending in spurs of gunmetal-grey talons. His hollow-cheeked jaw is as square and roughly chiseled as they come, while his keen eyes are cool and shadowy beneath prominent, windswept ridges of burnished brass. Sunbleached bronze blazes a trail down the makeshift mountain range of his neckridges, into the coal-smoke crease of his neck and a shoulder edged in dusk. Gritty golds blanket the jaded desert of his haggard ribs, half-cloaked by the shabby, sandstorm duster of his wings. His flanks are leanly muscled, his tail as thin as the rest of his desiccated frame: a distilled dragon, all excess withered away into this faded, hard-edged remnant outridden by those threadbare tumbleweed wings.

Madison blinks backwards as another is impressed. "Oh look, a handsome brown!" She begins to say before the brown quickly impresses. "Oh look! That was quick!" She says, before gasping as a bronze emerges. "Oooh, look! A bronze! He's very handsome. He's really chiseled."

S'kris plants a hand squarely on Wrencath's shoulder, a wordless reassurance ... and a restraint, of sorts, to keep the bronze from just about leaping out of his /skin/ with excitement when a bronze hatches. He did that! A glance is given to Nabrimeth. Check that. /We/ did that! "They've all been mighty /fine/ looking, haven't they?" is drawled to Tavrie through a wide, pleased smile.

Wayward Desperado Bronze stands there a moment, as still as his egg remains before it fell away in the face of his onslaught. A nose is raised to the air, wings rustling as he adjusts his stance to a readier one, claws flexing into the sand underneath him. Picturesque, challenging, he stares down the groups of candidates he sees before him for a long moment before taking those first steps forward, swaggering away from the ghost town remnants of his shell.

Talien returns Ayson's wave and in the same instant, spots R'yil's impression. Her mouth forms a small 'o' of surprise before breaking into a grin. Glancing at the eggs again, Talien hones in on one particular pale blue egg though a twitch of her head to cast aside a strand of hair from her face brings the newly hatched bronze into view.

Raykini tilts his head to the side, a hand lifting upwards to sweep through his hair. The newest addition to the sands gets little interest from the candidate. However, he does make to comment, "I like his coloring." He murmurs to no one in particular.

Ayson is becoming almost distracted by the impressions that are going on around him. He takes a breath and finally looks forward to the bronze that's just hatched, the one that has Madison's attention. "Oh yes, he's fine looking."

Nabrimeth croons in response to Wrencath's looks and excitement, reaching out to nudge his shoulder sweetly. The same pride rests on her masked face, head lifted proudly. Tavrie just sighs, seeming at a loss for words.

The Line in the Sand Egg shudders uncontrollably, but it takes a while longer before it finally caves inward and spills out a sinuous, sage green hatchling with a generous smear of mint along her left haunch. The diminuitive dragonet unwinds and darts toward the candidates, her nose promptly finding the middle of pudgy girl named Imena. "Oh, oh, oh! Wajath, are you as hungry as I am? Oh, let's get you some food!"

Nathein gives up trying to cool off, probably having done nothing more than make himself hotter for the efforts. "Explains why they were in the condition in which we found them though, doesn't it?" He swipes his hands across his forehead, drags away some sweat, then contemplates the bronze that's gone and caught everyone's attention. "These are what we're supposed to be so afraid of?" His eyes seek out I'daur, questioningly.

Guiding Light egg gives one last flourishing twitch, the dance coming to an end and the last 'veil' coming away in a soft explosion of shell resembling applause that leaves a small malachite green revealed in all her regal glory.

Tempered Graceful Green                   
Perfectly proportioned in every sense of the word, this green dragon's limbs and body come together in a streamlined visual of royal bearing. Her slender neck held in a near permanent arch of regality curves down along neck ridges which sweep backwards with notable elegance ending in a tail that coils and uncoils with undeniable grace. Fashioned as if from a polished green gem, soft hide is subtly marbled, with the lights of the heavens either enhancing or muting the effects depending on the angle they touch upon her. A sweetly shaped muzzle broadens outward to encompass eyes that hold the wisdom of the ages. Head knobs washed in the palest of sage greens give the appearance of a noble headdress while majestic wingsails of lucent radiance furl along her sides like that of a lady's hand fan, unfurling in a neat and precise manner with just a hint of coquettish curl at the tips. Moving with self-contained dignity, femininity is never far off with a refined sense of 'being'.

Over at the edge of the Sands, well out of the way, Emilly stands with the other assistant weyrlingmaster, carefully tracking newly hatched dragonets. The greenrider moves forward quickly to guide newly Impressed pairs off of the Sands, giving instructions about feeding in a low, calm voice.

Madison's breath sucks in as she looks towrads the green that has hatched, blinking as she ohs. "Look, to Imena! She's so cute!" She hollars as best she can to the girl before another green is hatched and she ohs. "I... I..." She says. "She's..." She points to Ayson, tugging on his tunic. For the first time Madison is at a loss for words.

Ayson quickly moves to put his hand on Madison's chin, if she doesn't move away. "Maddy, don't be so loud. You could startle or upset them." He doesn't say it unkindly, instead it's with a grin. He understands the excitement coming from her.

One Colossal Egg shifts in the light of the caverns, the dazzling gleam of copper flashing brightly once, twice, its inhabitant testing its limits, before the egg stills again.

Raykini tilts his head to the side, letting his gray eyes fall on the green, taking in her coloring. "Now she," He points quietly to Talien, "Has a wonderful hide. It'll be interesting to see who she goes to, eh?"

Tempered Graceful Green imperiously flicks away a shell fragment with one soft little claw, then dips her head down to examine herself. It is with precise slowness that she checks every inch of herself, much like a feline would after bathing. Clearly, she does not like the goo running down her little frame into the hot sand - she emits a shriek at the mess she is, holding her wings far from herself before finally lifting her proud chin and surveying her surroundings.

Nathein echoes after Ayson's words, sounds very grave; "That doesn't look like constant vigilance to me, Maddie." His smile is strained, a combination of heat and the increasing incoherency on the sands.

Talien remains still, though her determination to look just straight ahead has failed miserably. Caught between trying to see everything, all at once and trying to focus on just what's in her immediate, Talien is at a loss for words. So Raykini's query earns a silent nod as the green is watched for those first few steps.

An egg bursts open unceremoniously with a muffled *pop*. A broad, terracotta brown hatchling shrugs off the remnants of the Sandstone Frieze Egg with ease and his crimson-kissed gaze drifts ominously across the gathered candidates. His choice is a tall lad from some small hold, Vinday becoming V'day. "Yosavith? Yosavith!"

Wayward Desperado Bronze's steps have a rambling air to them, a sense that he's wandering aimlessly over the sands even as his keen eyes gaze up the ranks of candidates, sizing each of them up before moving on. That swagger, the lazy air of his wings sweeping behind him--those careless movements bely the purposefulness beneath them. He's looking, looking for his match out there, even if he only seems to be strutting about for the benefit of the eyes on him.

Undying Love Egg Almost tentatively, Undying Love Egg begins to shake and shimmy. Vibrations that look unnatural from a surface that is supposed to be so hard course over it and then cease entirely. For now, the hatchling inside will bide its time, seemingly evaluating the best means of escape.

Madison looks over at Nathein and makes a face at her before she looks towards Ayson and murmurs "Sorry." She makes a face. "She's kinda girly." She tells the older boy, looking at the green preen herself. She blinks a few times at another quick imrpession. The dart of a brown across the sands. "huh." She offers before looking at the Bronze. "Oh look at 'im. Might as well be B'yan down there in him."

Raykini wrinkles his nose ever so slightly in thought, letting his eyes flicker over to the wandering dragons, but they suddenly land on the most recent impression. "Congratulations!" he calls to the other candidate, swaying a little towards nathein, "I'm sure he'll ahve fun with that brown."

S'kris settles into just watching with Wrencath, silent and broadly grinning like a fool. Not that Wrencath's any better; the bronze is gape-mawed and jiggly, looking here, there, and everywhere at moving eggs and dragonets and oh, those candidates over there, too.

Nathein swings his head around after the calls of congratulations, pulls a bereft seeming frown. "How are you managing to keep track enough to toss out congratulations?" By the time he even notices V'day, the moment for adulations has passed. "Which one looks girly? Him?" He takes a sweeping look at the bronze, then ahhs; "/Her/. Quite femme."

And now, Wayward Desperado Bronze doesn't even put up the pretense of peacocking around. His demeanor is hardening the longer he's out there, the longer he's alone, and now he looks in earnest, approaching candidates closer, his breath coming in huffs as his thin sides quiver in anticipation. Now he pauses, then sidesteps several boys as not worthy of a second glance, and he turns to pass over the line one more time.

The Mist and Shadows Egg simply falls apart, an angular dragonet stepping out and carrying his head rather high. The summer sky blue dragonet picks his way away from the shards of his former prison and makes his stoic way to a young man on the fringes. Iveldyn stares, wide-eyed, as the blue makes him I'dyn ... and claims the name, "Eidenth," as his own.

Tempered Graceful Green , still among the remnants of broken shells, takes one final survey of the place she's found herself in before taking a few steps forward. Something has now caught her eye: ah yes! It is with snobbish calculation that she makes her way closer to the groups of candidates, still keeping her wings up and back with little fluttering motions. A few of them get her proper curiosity - a twitch of her head tilting to the side as if deliberating, and then briskly beginning her walk down the line of the candidates.

Talien pulls in another sharp, deep breath as the dragons make their passes of the line. Though her eyes continuously dart up and down the length of the clutch, she still remains still and tense. The smallest of exclamations slips past as the bronze sidesteps some of the male candidates, and though there's a sympathetic look in their direction, Talien resumes worrying for her own hide with a small shuffle to the left.

PC's impressed -
Egg                                       Hatchling                                         Impressee
One Colossal Egg                Against the Ages Bronze Nikoth               A'son
Great Rainforest Egg           Wayward Desperado Bronze Wyaeth        N'thei
Undying Love Egg                Stately Scoundrel Blue Svodriyth           Talien
Guiding Light Egg                Tempered Graceful Green Seteth             Madison

NPC's Impressed -
Egg                                         Hatchling                                       Impressee
Mystery's Blood Egg                        Lucid Green Kyobeth                         Ukeila
Buried Battles Egg                          Large Brown Eluth                             R'yil (Ronayil)
Line in the Sand Egg                      Sage Green Wajath                           Imena
Mist and Shadows Egg                  Summer Sky Blue Eidenth                    I'dyn (Iveldyn)
Stones in a Line Egg                      Long-Limbed Blue Ojanath                  J'ome (Jerome)
Remnants of a Tragedy Egg         Forest Green Seryth                              Lystia
Stones Gate Promise Egg            Diaphanous Blue Aloyeth                    D'ek (Dannek)
Defender of the Sky Egg                Clay-Brown Valuth                              T'sin (Trinsin)
Cursed Beauty Egg                        Rotund Green Rysoth                          Jiscella

wyaeth, nikoth, a'son, nathein, i'dyn, r'yil, ayson, emilly, v'day, s'kris, imena, tavrie, madison, wrencath, hatching, ukeila, i'daur, svodriyth, first, kyobeth, yosavith, nabrimeth, n'thei, eidenth, wajath, seteth, eluth, raykini, satiet

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