The beginning of the end

Oct 04, 2007 18:42

The Who: I'daur, Talien
The What: I'daur doesn't get away when he comes to visit.
The When:  RL Date: Thursday, September 2 (the scene took place before the meeting with Shanlee did)

Dragon Infirmary, High Reaches Weyr
As you enter this huge stone building, your footsteps echo off the vast walls as your nose registers the scent of numbweed. Against the north wall of the infirmary, flanking a single door that leads to the Senior Dragonhealer's office, several large cabinets hold the majority of the supplies that any Dragonhealer would need. Large stone couches line the walls, recessed into the floor so that the human healers can easily reach their draconic patients. Huge vats of oil and several large barrels of fresh water stored around a huge pool of water are within easy access. Large folding doors to the southwest admit a refreshing breeze, clearing the medicinal smell from your senses for a moment.

Talien is still in that same bed, in that same corner with the same little group of healers still looking after her. Svodriyth's not left her side, aside from the mandated trips to eat and replenish himself. The blue is found not terribly far from Talien and at every available opportunity, sneaks closer and closer. If his current state of sleep is a ruse or real has yet to be evidenced. Talien, normally asleep at this hour as well, looks to be so as she's checked in on by one of her assigned people.

This is not the first time I'daur's stopped by the infirmary. In fact, this is usually the hour he comes, when Talien is asleep. Sometimes he sits a few minutes and sometimes he leaves straightaway again when he sees her sleeping, his shoulders relaxing slightly as he goes. The healers have started giving him disgusted looks when he comes, and they're quite cold when they tell him Talien's the same as ever, too. So by those standards, today's just another day like that, as he shuffles in to stand, awkwardly, at the end of the bed a few minutes in silence before he turns to leave again.

The healers are not the only individuals in the know of I'daur's clandestine visits. Svodriyth undoubtedly does, but just as every time I'daur's entered, the blue provides no hindrance to his staying, going or lingering. Not even today as I'daur's linger seeks to once more take him away, not even as Talien calls out to I'daur (albeit quietly), "'Didja bring me any cookies this time?"

I'daur, already turning to leave, falters in that first step, breathing out a curse as the misstep jars his left leg. One hand reaches to catch the end of the bed and steady himself reflexively, as he glances around to glare at the blue, and then, umistakeably guiltily, Talien. "Damn it, you're asleep," he accuses her, nevermind how obviously mistaken that idea is.

Talien, shifting to face the direction she pinpoints him at, aims an unfelt chide his way. "Clumsy or just can't see where you're going?" she asks of the Weyrlingmaster's bed use. Scarcely a second later comes, "-bad joke, but I figure someone's bound to laugh one of these times... but yeah, maybe. Svodriyth says I talk in my sleep, you know."

I'daur frowns, studying Talien a moment longer before he takes a few limping steps over to the chair at the bedside. Leaned forward, forearms on his knees, he studies her and ignores her rambling, in favor of a wary question: "How are you?"

"Ok." Talien's tone is heavy and judging of I'daur's response to her not-so quirky comment. To his actual question, she allows, "Bored and tired but not tired 'cause all I do is sleep. So I guess just bored." Fixing her sheets around herself and searching for an illusive third pillow, Talien adds, "You ok?"

I'daur's lip purse, and he glances doward, mouth tightening. "Nothing wrong with me that ain't been wrong a long time now," he finally replies. "I'm fine. Stopped by once or twice, but you was always asleep. Don't have a lot of free time to hang around, see."

"Want me t'start the list?" Talien inquires in a continued effort toward being helpful-like. In stride, she nods slowly to his later words while pulling her pillow against her chest. "Yeah. Heard some of 'em talking, saying you dropped by to see me and stuff. Always got some place to be or should've been... s'ok."

"Got enough people working on that already. Wouldn't wanna waste your time," is I'daur answer to that generous offer, with a hint of his usual dry humor. "I... Yeah. S'busy, trying to get 'em all ready for graduation now." Pause. He grimaces--that, apparently, is not one of the subjects he meant to bring up. Grasping around a minute, he finally comes up with the only other thing, non-weyrling-related, he can think of: "Got caught up in a gold flight at Telgar the other day." Another grimace--that's probably not something she cares to hear, either.

Talien's silent, and while she's silent she sucks quietly on her tongue. It gives her a chipmunk-like effect, with one cheek ballooned and the other dimpled. After a short enough pause, she says, "Figure I got time - lots of it -" A bare grunt is poorly stifled as she shifts position to relieve a sore spot, "Nothing of the sort keeping me busy." Graduation or flight, but the later half has Talien canting her head. She's a degree or two off from facing I'daur directly, but close enough to count. "Figure you didn't win or if you did you really /are/ a stodgy old man 'cause most would be out celebrating still."

The way Talien doesn't quite look right at him disconcerts I'daur, who shifts slightly and then glances aside himself, studying the details of the infirmary like he's never been there before himself. "Zunaeth making it, pretty much, to the end's reason enough to celebrate. He don't, usually, but it was a fast one. And she came back into the pack at the last minute anyway." A shrug. He adds, after a moment, "A'son and N'thei were there too."

"He did?" There's wonder and surprise - pleasant enough, all things considered - in Talien's query. It fades with mention of her fellow weyrlings, though it might easily be from concern toward their end. "They didn't - they're not like - they didn't, right?" And that might just be jealousy there, but it's a fleeting thing. "One've these days... he'll surprise you," Talien offers next, nearly out of the blue. And it's not the blue that she indicates with a short jerk of her head toward a wall, apparently. "'course he's old, but I figure he's as stubborn as you are. That's gotta count for something... right?"

I'daur raises a brow. "No. They didn't," he finishes, and then snorts at her words regarding his bronze. "Faranth, I hope not," he drawls. "Caught once, a junior down at Monaco--pathetic clutch. Had to grab her too early, too low. We need better'n that, these days." There's a bit of fidgeting then, and then, a repeat of his earlier question in another form: "You're okay?"

"So don't be sending Svodriyth to'm to get pointers. Check." Talien nods in tempo with her words, "An' he's still not all that far behind." The later bit gives her just a bit of hope, enough that she's back to idly nursing her thumb between questions and answers. There almost appears to be more time spent nursing it on earlier questions than what she does with his last, because a quick nod of her head and smile seek to assure him as much as she does with, "Yeah, fine. Got plans and everything for when they let me out."

That surprises I'daur. His brows arch again as he looks around at Talien, and then asks, "Plans?"

"I do." Talien musters all the adult-like mannerisms, tone and posturing she can while slouched against her pillows and in her infirmary-wear best. "I," she declares in that same manner, "Am going to get riproaring drunk." Pause and beat, "At a seedy little place I've never even heard of with-" Well she stops there, abruptly and belatedly, "Well it's not important with who."

That finally brings a twitch of a smile to I'daur's mouth as he studies Talien in her state. "Yeah? S'good plan. Think you've been hangin' around me too long, though. Spent most of the last while doing that." Pause. He adds, "Not that that's unusual or anything. If you want, I... know a couple good places to go."

"Of course it is. I came up with it." Or has deigned to take credit for such brilliancy. There is, however, quite the knowing little nod at his remark - Talien's mood sobers drastically - "Think one day is too long. You're like that mold I got growing in my place only I think that stuff smells better." And yet if the wrinkling of her features suggests that's a good thing, well it's not entirely convincing. Nor is it long-lasting, for Talien's expression switches just as fast in as just a short frame of time, "You want to come with us?" Invitation-? Query for clarification-?

"Er," says I'daur intelligently. He shrugs, and then frowns. "I--nah. Don't want to intrude. Just, Zunaeth can give you a--a visual, if you want," he amends himself at her question, with a nod more for his own conviction than hers.

Talien's cheeks pucker again and remain so for a short time, "Could always just stay here and drink all your booze 'cause then you'd-" She stops and shakes her head before stating, "Don't think we can do that anymore so I guess that settles it. We're gonna kidnap you or just take all your booze so you gotta come with us."

I'daur grimaces. "Yeah, guess not," he agrees, nodding once. "Fine. I got... I got a little left. Don't think I drank it all yet. Tried, though. I tried." A frown, a pause, another of those awkward moments where he doesn't have anything to say. "Shanlee stopped by. My weyr, I mean. Think she's goin' to come see you soon."

"You're really stupid, y'know? I'd call you an ass but I figure I'd get myself in trouble." Talien frowns, once again at the wall and still not quite fully /at/ him though it doesn't dampen the effect any. "And if I could see it, I'd kick you there too 'cause-" She makes a fist and gives it a little squeeze-and-shake release before reclaiming her hold on her pillow. Word of Shanlee's planned arrival is glimpsed over for the moment, but it catches her attention visibly enough as there's a slight look of worry left-over upon her expression after its mention. In place of it's cause, she asks, "They all know when they're graduating? Are they all graduating?"

weyrling, i'daur

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