When you got family, you got everything

Oct 04, 2007 20:34

The Who:  Shanlee and Talien, Svodriyth and Kaylith too!
The What: Shanlee has a gift.  Talien makes more jokes.  Svodriyth shows he has game, or at least thinks he does and Kaylith digs for clues.
The When: IC Date - I am clueless.  RL date: September 7.

Little by little, Talien's earned a few freedoms while still being housed within the infirmary. Such is not to indicate she's quite /free/ of the minor irritations said infirmary is chock full of. At the moment, Talien's taken to closing off her little corner of the infirmary and with Svodriyth acting as a makeshift bed, lies cradled against him. An arm is wrapped around his front limb, her head cushioned against his shoulder and her eyes closed. Time has eased the redness of the area surrounding her eyes, but the skin is still raw and tinted a faint shade of pink.

Taking the opportunity whilst most of the weyr is engaged in the evening meal, Shan hesitates briefly in the doorway of a place she's not unfamiliar with. Carrying a long thin object in one hand, a few words are exchanged with a fellow trainee, a warm smile appearing for the woman who then bustles on out for her own meal. Eyes hunt for the blue pair, dragon first as he'd be the easiest to pick out in the ebb and flow of the area.

The beauty of a curtain is it keeps things hidden. Things like one blue and his rider. Though the tail tail swish of Svodriyth's tail is visible from just beneath the gap where the curtain doesn't quite meet floor. As well, that it's the only curtained off area might be further indication there's someone behind it when all the other patients are in the open. If such isn't enough, Svodriyth's 'play' ends with half his tail sticking out from under the curtain.

While neither blue nor rider are found, the unusual sight of a curtained off area in the infirmary, does draw attention. Step carry the petite Weyrsecond forward in its direction, at first curiosity pulling her onward until that tail is noticed sticking out from under the curtain. Amusement touches on Shan's face for Svodrityth's tell of where the two are. This does wane somewhat as the object in her hand is lifted and studied once again in quiet contemplation. Lips purse, shoulder's square and in as level a voice as possible "Hiding?" there is a falter, a faint edging to the light voice and query which may be all that gives the unease away.

Svodriyth's greeting is immediate and warm - a brassy little rumble with more melody to it than warning. The tail takes to twitching again, and after a short pause, there's the sound of footsteps as Talien straightens and takes the few steps separating her from the curtain. She parts it with the back of her hand, revealing her face to the greenrider before stepping aside to invite her in. "Can't hide," she says, "Trust me, I've tried. They find me every time."

Shanlee has to take a step sideways as that tail right at her feet takes to swishing once again. It's either that or have her feet knocked out from under her. Being that downward is where her eyes have fallen, it's with a noticeable paling of skin that when they flicker upward toward Talien's voice that she finds the weyrling's scared and damaged visage before her. A slow swallow, which thankfully is likely not noticed by the younger woman clears most of the distress from her tone "Always worth a try, right?" small silence forming while green eyes roam over the pink tainted wounds of the other. "I would have come sooner, but was waiting on something first." Brows knit for what seemed to her own ears a fairly lame excuse.

Dragon> Svodriyth senses that Kaylith's thoughts drift in gentle as a slow flowing stream with sparkles of her irrepressible nature along its spine << You and yours are doing better? >> an older image of Talien presented with a wrap of bandages around her head. Clear indication that her rider had been looking in from time to time.

"Mm," Talien offers the sage noise with a matching nod of her head. Her hand falls away to let the curtain drop into place, though instead of reclaiming her seat at Svodriyth's side, she folds her hands behind her back. "You're not N'thei so it wasn't an apology and... you're not I'daur so you're not out of drink yet..." The pursing of her lips suggests light-hearted banter, the tone a chide. "I hope you weren't waiting on me?"

Svodriyth> I bespoke Kaylith with << 's mind relays the melody of his greeting to Shanlee. His mood is rare - upbeat and light hearted. << Baby girl slept. >> A flash of pale hues shine like diamonds cast into water, << An' baby girl don't mind yours visiting. >> >>

Again the fingers of Shan's free hand play along the engravings of the object in her hand, that knitting of brows still there. Talien's words spill a soft sigh out that by direction may indicate a downward study of the Weyrsecond's boots "No, I'm just a coward." tone cracking slightly for the open truth just spoken. The distress that was threatening to show through for the weyrling's injuries pushes back behind a blink of eyes as the Weyrlingmaster's name comes up "Bugger! I'daur was here?" Now she reaches for the weyrling's hand and accompanies the action with words "Give me your hand Talien." the softer spoken words making it more request then order.

Dragon> Kaylith bespoke Svodriyth with << from wherever she is in the bowl withdraws for a moment, likely communicating this to her lifemate. Her return flows back in again << Mine says sleep heals. >> smaller bubbles of curiosity rise to the surfaces << There are those she does mind visiting? >> >>

"Coward, right." Talien snorts and shakes her head before settling it in what's become a customary half bowed, half turned position. Abandoning jesting for the sake of sincerity, she slides a step closer to the Weyrsecond, already reaching out toward the woman when the request comes. "I'daur was," she says, leaving her hand mid-reach and palm upturned, "Other people were... I - you didn't have to come, Shan. I didn't... don't want to make folks do stuff they don't want to."

Svodriyth> Kaylith senses that Svodriyth's slow to reply, offering first a hazy image of one big-eared I'dyn and a less hazy image of N'thei. Other faces seem to be blends of people - I'daur, B'yan and even D'rian. << They visit often, >> Svodriyth says, << Baby girl ain't all that happy when they do. They frighten - >> Trailing there, Svodriyth lapses into silence, considering something at a 'distance'. << Baby girl don' mind yours... she don't mind her at all. >>

"No excuse." Shan gives in a low tone to Talien's reply. Again brows knit as the weyrling seems intent on holding her face away eyes lingering for a moment before dropping to the hand that's held out. Her own with the object in it stops halfway, lips twisting into an unseen wryness "He's gonna love that." of I'daur's visit but not expanding. Now the free hand joins the other as the cool touch of wood is placed against the other young women's hand and fingers closed around it. Both hands give a gentle squeeze before falling away and now awkwardness touches through the Weyrsecond's tone with a touch of dry amusement "No one makes me do anything I don't want to." pause "I thought...I thought that maybe that." the cane indicated "might make it easier to get around without bumping into stuff. Or...." an attempt for humor "...you could just use it to smack people with that irritate you."
Crafted from a length of skybroom, this cane is lightweight so as not to tire the user's hand unnecessarily. All the way along its length, distinct designs have been carved of dragons with their bodies snaking and spiraling downward. At the tip a piece of metal has been added that when tapped against a surface, makes a distinct sound.rafted from a length of skybroom, this cane is lightweight so as not to tire the user's hand unnecessarily. All the way along its length, distinct designs have been carved of dragons with their bodies snaking and spiraling downward. At the tip a piece of metal has been added that when tapped against a surface, makes a distinct sound.

"Never had much luck when I did that with my fist," Talien says, her tone a fraction more stiff than before, "I - you don't need to," Talien's attempt then, is to allow the cane to fall back into Shanlee's hands but not at the risk of finding it dropped. Handling it like one would a dirtied diaper (minus the scowl), Talien continues to say, "Svodriyth's with me and he's saying everything's gonna be fine. I'll be alright before long."

Dragon> Svodriyth senses that Kaylith's acceptance and turning over the images presented stops in brief query on the one of D'rian presented. Faint traces of protective tightening pitch into her voice, though this likely is coming from her rider << They scare her? >> trying to understand << Mine understands pain. Pain that leaves its mark. >> a flash of the scars over the redhead's ribs given.

Svodriyth> Kaylith senses that Svodriyth's mind wipes away the image of the scar, emphasizing wholeness and Shanlee in one fell swoop. << Scare, >> he confirms, his voice a grating rumble; rolling thunder to the melodious flow of earlier. << They visit my girl now, more. Whe the others are away. >> Flashes of infirmary aides come and go like snapshots of night and day, << Don't figure they got any say 'bout it, my girl ain't exactly telllin' them what's what. >>

It's now that Shan looks about for a chair, not finding one, eyes flicker back to Talien and then down to the cane that's back in her hands again. Jaw tightening fractionally and likely her voice to one whose ears may now be compensating for sight, a fine brow rises "Svodriyth can't go to bathe with you, nor can he accompany you to the privy." pointed out with a glance toward the blue. Features soften somewhat as do her voice, just the green of her eyes holding shadows of what was being held back "He's right but it takes time Talien. You got to expect that some things will different and its alright to be angry about that."

Dragon> Svodriyth senses that Kaylith's agreement with the image of rider presented is immediate and swift in coming. << Who's scares her? >> there's a definite splash of protective edge to her tone, one that suggests her rider might well take that one to task. Sorting through the next set of images, an eddy of concern drifts through << Yours need not speak what she wishes not to. She has you and you can see her. She can't hide from you. >>

Talien's features twitch and it's subtle, but to one looking close enough she might just as well have screamed. "That's the thing," she says after a quick pause, "I'm gonna find me someone who'll do that. Figure once I get out of here I'll have better luck." Svodriyth's not amused by the allowance, and turns a dole look toward the greenrider to indicate /she/ is the guilty party. Talien, unaware, adds, "Kinda wanted to find someone before all this as it was, and now I guess even /he/ can't disagree."

Svodriyth> Kaylith senses that Svodriyth's mind somersaults, retrieving images of B'yan, I'daur, I'dyn and still D'rian. Again, meshing some while leaving others clearly identifiable. << They, >> Svodriyth emphasizes, quieting the 'noise' of his thoughts to better aide the green in understanding. He then seeks to mute her protectiveness with his own, flaring it vivid and bright, << Baby girl don't mind me speakin' for her. Baby girl can't speak all that well to begin' with. >>

Watching Talien's face contort, Shan's own mirrors the twisting but more for hidden pain at the words "You gonna find you someone huh? Like what? To beat up on for this or to trail around with you like a shadow, following your every move and leaving you with no independance?" spoken with an odd patience, the look coming from Svodriyth returned with an even stay of eyes that then drift back to his rider. Here confusion sets in for the last "Find someone before...."words trail and then pick up again "....for what?" her earlier words now seeming to make no sense not even to the greenrider herself.

Dragon> Svodriyth senses that Kaylith's thoughts once again break contact as information is shared with her rider, then return with splash at least two out of the four are given closer study << Mine can help yours to stand strong and proud. >> Here an image of Weyrsecond and weyrling is presented the one offering the other herself as leaning post << We need to speak for ours at times. >> muddy waters taint her voice in agreement << When they can't for themselves. >>

Talien laughs and it's an outright, earnest laugh. Falling back onto her cot, and tapping the space beside her, she says, "Svodriyth's... he's always gettin' mad at me when I say it outright." She tips her head down, bearing the top of her head to Shanlee in what otherwise would have been an eye-to-eye meeting. The whisper that follows is rather low and purposefully secretive - to the extent where not even Svodriyth is aware of the exact words... but the blue is keen enough to guess. Shanlee, then, receives another disproving rebuke.

The laughter draws a blink of surprise from Shan, but she does settle herself next to Talien on the cot, drawing legs up and folding them under her. Hopefully none of the aides see the boots that are now placed on the blankets under her. She tries but she just can't meet the unseeing eyes, maybe later, but not now. The whispered words elicit a low chuckle as understanding finally dawns and its due to them that the blue is given an amused look for his rebuke. Leaning closer to the weyrling, the Weyrsecond affords her the same courtesy of discretion and whispers quietly in return, flicking a glance over to Svodriyth in between.

Shanlee whispers "Just about that how they work or you know - the whole thing in general outside of them." she's trying not to use words the blue can catch onto while at the same time attempting to gain a clearer picture "Look, it should at least be someone that's not going to give you nightmares afterward, someone you can at least smile about later and not some random 'Hey, you'll do' kind of thing.""

Svodriyth> Kaylith senses that Svodriyth's of good opinion about Kaylith's, but his doubt lingers in the form of those images he leaves hanging in the background. They continue morphing, shifting and sliding into/out of focus even as he speaks. << Baby girl'll stand strong. Baby girl's got friends. >> Shanlee's image is superimposed over all else. << Ain't nuthin' gonna stop me from keepin' it that way. >>

Dragon> Svodriyth senses that Kaylith's wash of warmth carries hints of pride over hers, the continuing shift images have one or two latched onto << His is good and would do yours no harm. >> a particular image of a younger bronze picked out and reassurance offered << Mine will vouch for him. >> another image of an older scarred bronze now stopped on << As is his. >> A gruff touch of affection slips in, her lifemate's once again in conveyance << Mine feels as older clutchsib for yours. >>

"B'yan," Talien says ruefully (and to Svodriyth's partial disapproval), "Says he's... he didn't like anyone." Of her original intents, likely. Clearing her throat and shifting her chin atop her knee, Talien adds, "Dunno now, though, but I figure it can't hurt even if it's just random. That's what an ef-el-eye-gee-ach-" Before she can finish, Svodriyth forces a rough huff forth, draws to his feet and departs the immediate vicinity.

Svodriyth> Kaylith senses that Svodriyth's begrudging to admit that, but he does. Gruffly, he also says, << He puts ideas in my girls head. >> Ideas that are, by Svodriyth's telling of such, Not Good. Of the scarred, older bronze, Svodriyth allows only silent acknowledgement - respect, however deeply buried it is.

The bronzerider's name coming up especially in conjunction with the subject at hand, draws a definite look of unseen surprise from Shan, her tone likely carries it though along with vestiges of amusement "He's playing bodyguard over your wishes and choices now?" on further reflection this amuses to the point of light laughter that's stifled when Svodriyth huffily makes his exit. "Guess he's not too thrilled with the idea either, huh?" green eyes linger on the blue, then swing back to Talien a more somber note appearing "Do you trust my judgment?" perhaps a really strange question but there does seem to be reasoning behind it.

"He's - he's my... we had a deal," Talien says, still not fully aware Svodriyth's abandoned her, "And kinda made another deal and he's... he's-" Talien, absorbed in thought, tilts her head back enough that Shanlee's likely to be allowed an unobstructed look at Talien's face and eyes, "He's a brother. My other brother," she clarifies in a slightly fainter tone. "Anyways we're all going drinking as soon as me and Svodriyth... yeah, you go on and leave you great big..." Muttering in annoyance at her blue, she picks her original vein back up, "We're gonna go get drunk... all of us, when we graduate. B'yan said so and I said you had to come." To the greenrider's question, Talien offers an immediate nod and a 'like duh' implication, "Of course."

Dragon> Svodriyth senses that Kaylith 's amusement seems to echo her rider's on the bronze pair first commented on << He has some good ones at times. >> That she shares Svodriyth's thoughts on the older bronze goes without saying, she turns instead back to the first << Jaireth watches him. >> likely further emphasis on the bronzerider having no ill intent toward the blue weyrling.

Svodriyth> Kaylith senses that Svodriyth's quick to agree, by and by he's also allowing of, << He ain't all that bad. >> He - Jaireth and B'yan - if the blue's 'between the lines' sending is properly read. And there is quite the bold move, too. << Ain't as /good/ as you. >> Which, unfortunately, does not include Shanlee. Just prettypretty green Kaylith.

Surprise turns to contemplation then to an odd look which thankfully Talien can't see as she explains the relationship between her and B'yan. Warmth does however infuse Shan's tone as understanding sinks in "You could ask for no better." words coming with a quiet fondness "He'll do right by you. Might not always get it right, but....well, you know." shoulders roll in a shrug. Now she forces herself to look at the weyrling's face and eyes, the wounds once again taken in with closer study and then her gaze drops to hands that are unconsciously twisting at the graduation ring on her hand in distress. None of this evident in the next words "Ahhh....so he'll let you get drunk with us but not find a solution to your problem, hhmm?" in fact she forces humor in there once again as well as her agreement to join the bronze and bluerider in this escapade they had planned. Having received the other's reply to her last "I...I might know someone that could help. He's older, but very sweet and gentle. Someone you might not regret. But...." a slim finger lifts then folds as she realizes the younger woman can't see the gesture "....it might be best if you didn't tell B'yan?"

Dragon> Svodriyth senses that Kaylith 's satisfaction as Svodriyth agrees with her on the bronze pair now matter how reluctantly is overshadowed by the definite preening of a female just complimented. Swirls of gratification slip through her tones << You're a good one too Svodriyth. Strong and loyal. >> this of the way he looks out for his rider and of course, the fact that he's grown into quite the handsome fellow.

"Threatened to knock anyone I did find." Talien confirms with a wry smile, "Said only I'dyn'd do and... just no." She vehemently shakes her head before dropping it back against her knee. With arms wrapped about her shins, she listens to Shanlee's words, the sum of them all and at the woman's end, Talien hesitates. "Mind if I ask why first?"

Svodriyth> Kaylith senses that Svodriyth's of the opinion, rather humbly so, that he is indeed Handsome. << An' smart, an' 'bout the best thing this side of Pern. >> There is, of course, an exception to that all encompassing rule. Svodriyth flirts with another flash of green, a swirling little mist of color the blue associates along with her.

Shanlee's mouth twists into a moue of disgust "What? I'dyn? Jays! I thought B'yan liked you?" the first answered next with a low growl for something the Weyrsecond understood and was determined to help Talien with "He'll bloody have to come through me first to try that." Yup, seems this was one affair females were likely going to close ranks on "Why I'd offer to help find someone? Or why maybe B'yan shouldn't know just yet?"

Dragon> Svodriyth senses that Kaylith's amusement ripples upon the surfaces of her voice like the breeze across a river << And modest. You forgot that one. >> she counters. The blue's flirting is received and countered with that of her own << To catch, one has to fly fast and true. >> is this advice or simply observance on Svodriyth's own abilities in that particular arena.

Talien holds up three fingers, "Svodriyth's got first dibs, an' then B'yan an' if t.. Geeze. Make that four. See, you should've come earlier 'cause everyone beat you to the punch." Pun likely intended. She shrugs gently to Shanlee's last question, offering a vague, "Either, or... whichever."

Svodriyth> Kaylith senses that Svodriyth's dismissive, casually so of that advice. But it's underhanded, << Pretty thing like you, >> he smoozes, << Ain't ever gonna be anything better. Not even me. >>

The fingers being held up by Talien, draw a chuckle from Shan "Umm, I think you misunderstood me. It's B'yan or any other that would stop you doing this that would have to get past me. Not I'dyn." a light shudder ripples through over the big-eared weyrling. Lips press in thought, the Weyrsecond simply comes straight out with it "I'd help because unless you're female and facing something like this for the first time with flights hanging over your head, there's no way to understand." Reaching a hand toward the weyrling's in a gesture of this "And I do. Its scary on both fronts" meaning flights and being 'untried' as it were "Because if he's already giving you a hard time about this, he's not understanding where a woman is coming from. I'd rather he were mad at me, then you if A'rio agrees." There's clear determination here not to let anything get in the way for Talien "So....call me your 'second." wink "I'll handle B'yan if that helps any?"

Dragon> Svodriyth senses that Kaylith's slow in reply, playing the tease as she withdraws her mind then brushes in against gently << You think you could catch me? >> sly the tone as an image of glowing emerald against the crisp Reachian skies presented as Kaylith dives and twists, a crowd of chasers on her tail.

Talien's lips form a small o of understanding, and she even spares a laugh at her own expense. "Got myself all kinds of family now, don't I?" she asks, lightly, with a nod to accept Shanlee's proposition. The later half earns another nod, less certain and a little awkward, but agreeing all the same. "Dunno him.. I mean... geeze." Talien falls back against the head of her bed and scratches the top of her head in-lieu of rubbing a hand over her face. After a brief pause, she snorts and says, "Should just put it in my letter home. Dear mom and dad, send Alik 'cause I need to figure out what goes where before Svodriyth decides he wants to get himself a green." There is, after a brief pause, the sound of someone clearing their throat from the other side of the curtain.

Svodriyth> Kaylith senses that Svodriyth's dismissive once more. << Ain't nothin', >> he assures Kaylith with more sparkling flashes of green, << Nothin' that'd stop me from tryin'-- >> The quick flutter of his mind imitates the shrug of shoulders, an effect picked up from Talien, no doubt, << But youse just too good, doll. >> His pause is brief, << Won't stop me from tryin', though. >>

"You better believe it." Shan replies with a lopsided grin, warmth for the younger woman touching through. Her awkwardness is met with a small silence, then an understanding tone "I'll introduce him to you. Brownrider that flies with Iceberg." she offers some more information on A'rio "He's real sweet. You'll like him. And I promise. You get to meet him before anything gets said to him, right?" words on letters home brings forth genuine laughter that rings out and likely causes a few scowls around "Oh yes, I'm quite sure they'd send this Alik right over with a bow around his neck and all." The cough abruptly ends the laughter and words as the Weyrsecond unfolds her legs and drops boots to floor with a clunk of heels "Guess that's my cue."

Dragon> Svodriyth senses that Kaylith's amused once again by the competitive arrogance of the blue << Determination is a good quality. >> she flatters with. Svodriyth's ensuing words carry the flirtatious rustle of verdant wings along emerald sides in her response << Soon. Soon we shall see. >> whether this was a hint of glowing glowiness in the near future or simply placatory, the blue will have to keep vigil and decide for himself.

"He's as stodgy as Svodriyth is," Talien accuses of the healer beyond the curtain, "Geeze, you try and pick up someone in here for-" Talien drops her voice again, "...some kind of cream, I think, he said he had an itch..." She's apparently not spoken low enough to dodge the healer, who parts the curtain with a stern look at.... Shanlee. Seeing how she's the only one to see it. "Don't be getting our patient all riled up now," he cautions, canting his head in Talien's way. There is, just before he disappears, a brief smile. Talien, reaching a hand out to still Shanlee asks, "Can I ask you a favor before you go? I can't... I can't ask B'yan 'cause I'm sure he'd be mean about it and I trust you to... to not put N'thei through the wall, I suppose."

Svodriyth> Kaylith senses that Svodriyth returns the flattery. << Brains ain't so bad either. >> And for once, Svodriyth isn't talking of himself. There's a quick brush of his presence - cool steel - before he retreats into silence.

Standing now, Shan swings her attention between Talien and the healer. Amusement for the weyrling's words and a hiked brow of arrogance toward the healer when he warns her on his patient, this drifts into dry amusement for him too as his brief smile is caught. Once he's out of earshot, the Weyrsecond takes the blindly reaching hand in her own and gives a gentle squeeze of fingers around it "N'thei's hurting too Talien. I wouldn't do that to him." how she knows this is maybe hinted at now "I've spoken to him already. Not that it did much good though." Lips press together "I'll keep on eye on B'yan." this in regards to him maybe punching the bronze weyrling out of sheer frustration for what had happened to the blue weyrling. Withdrawing her hand, the greenrider steps backward "I'll come by again soon. Give that a try it might help." the cane indicated as the curtain is pushed aside for her departure.

Dragon> Svodriyth senses that Kaylith's touch is once again soft, whispering trickles of water << You will be a formidable competitor in the skies. >> she acknowledges as her mind slowly slips the contact away.

Talien's reply is a gentle and quick smile. As Shanlee leaves, she straightens upon her cot and the curls onto her side. Svodriyth's there to greet the greenrider, ensuring Talien is no more left alone for even the briefest of seconds. She still earns a chuff from the blue as he passes by and after gently nosing his rider's knee, the blue settles down with his head facing the curtain.

shanlee, kaylith, svodriyth

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