where are my surfaces, darling?

Oct 08, 2007 08:55

The chi in my house is unbelievably clogged. Its stuck in the carpet, its stuck in the cabinets, closets, gardens, pantries and bookshelves. The energy has become very stagnant since we came back from Portland almost two years ago. I have been noticing it for a while and have done things here and there to keep things moving, but to no avail. It's time for a major overhaul. I want SURFACES.

Things that I did this weekend:

1. Began the long and arduous task of ridding myself of all CDs. I am digitizing all my music and ditching all CDs and CD players. I am trading them online, selling them and recycling them. I don't need CD cases, I don't need the cover art and goddammit, I want my shelf space back. Also, with no CDs, I will have no need for my old, large and clunky CD changer that I bought years ago. I'm going wireless, bitches. I am also ditching all VHS and VHS related accoutrements.

2. Same with books. The BedMate inherited a ton of books from his Father's estate. I also have a lot of books, but I don't have the emotional attachment to many of them that he has to ALL of his. I am selling tons online, trading them online (for more books to be traded). The books are moving, working, traveling. I'll tell you what they are NOT doing: sitting on my shelves hogging prime real estate. No longer will I have books for the sake of just having them. I entered a bunch online (www.half.com) to sell yesterday and have since sold two for $20. Yay for money! (Also, has any one sold stuff on Amazon marketplace? I wonder if its a better store front than half.com?)

3. Clothes. I won't even go into it. I'm just gonna light a match and start over. It's time for a new look, anyway.

4. We shredded and chipped piles and piles of non-composted yard waste that has been slowly eroding the structural integrity of my mind since 2002. Over the spring, we built a new composting system, so now we are chipping all the other stuff and re-composting. So instead of a pile of non-composting crap, it is now a working, functional composting-industrial complex. Good times. I saw billions and billions of bugs.

5. We planted 175 red tulips for spring. YAY.

6. I also cursed, cried, screamed and shouted over my statistics homework. I'm almost done. I have never had this amount of trouble with a class, not even statistics. I think it means that I am not giving it enough time. Statistics, I am gonna make you my bitch.

7. I watched the new Britney video. Ugh. Britney, dancing around a pole is SO not original. You call that a comeback? Brit-brit, I don't know how to quit you.

8. Ran 22 miles on Saturday morning, easy. The marathon, like statistics, is also being my bitch.

9. Thinned much of the overgrowth in the labyrinth. Instead of a mish-mash of wildflowers that grow huge and block the path - no longer will they mock my orderly and neat sensibilities, it will become and intentional showcase of perennials, herbs and bulbs.

In other news:

It looks like I will be working in a cafe for my community service. Fucking awesome. I love cafes! I start on Wednesday. Tomorrow is my extra special drug counseling appointment. *eye roll* They are so gonna beat me over the head with the reform stick that I will not have any choice except to become all straight edge and holier than thou. After all, I will have achieved the arrogant air of "being through the system."

Oh, wait. Did I tell you that my probation officer is a uber-militant-bitch-troll-from-hell? It's all a bit much for moi.
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