I'm not a girl, don't tell me what to believe. I'm just trying to find the woman in me....

Sep 20, 2007 11:12


Anyway. Things have been nuts. School. Work. Relationships. Clarice. Everything is in warp speed and all I can do is play "Fish Tycoon."

Turns out that my boyf (not The BedMate) is dying of melanoma . Last week, his doctor gave him 3-4 months. We both knew he was sick, but I never thought it was gonna happen all so quickly. His doctor told him to start researching hospice and getting a home nurse, indicating that he will soon no longer be able to care for himself. He and I have created an interesting relationship over the past 7 months. He's a retired chemist who is a nationally recognized rock gardener and amateur chef. So, our relationship is based on gardening and food - two things I enjoy very much. Plus, he's a total stoner. YAY. He teaches me about baroque, I expose him to soul music. We have a very leisurely relationship and I have grown very very fond of him.

It brings out all kinds of fears and concerns about spending time with someone with a terminal illness and the end is nigh. I have never actually watched someone become progressively ill and die. I am certainly freaked. He still looks healthy, although now I am noticing how his cheek bones protrude more and more and how his pants hang low on his waist. His partner died of liver cancer only 7 years ago. I am tortured by the questions bouncing in my head:

1. Should I talk about my very exciting summer plans? He won't be around for that, I don't want to be insensitive by planning my life without him.

2. I complimented a piece of furniture and then immediately panicked, "OMG. I hope he doesn't think that I am sniffing around his things to take after he dies."

3. He gave me a sac of bud and said, "You should have this." "Why?, I asked. "Because there is no way I can smoke that in 4 months." O.o

4. He's rich. Very rich. I am SO paranoid of being perceived as a gold-digger by his friends and family, 99% of whom are also rich, straight and old. Why else would a young (ish) man hang out with an older man who is dying?

5. What's even more fucked is that am so worried about upsetting him that I have not dealt with my own issues and grieving - a person very close to my heart is going to be gone by Christmas and all I can worry about is "Don't tell any death jokes."

Downersville. Population: Me.

Also. On Tuesday, I fell. DOWN. HARD. ON A HARD STAIRCASE. IT WAS A BRICK STAIR. VERY HARD. Landed on my knee, which is now a nice bruisy-blue-green. I was convinced I needed to be airlifted to the hospital. But it was more pain than actual injury. I couldn't run yesterday, but today should be okay.

I use inhalers now. (But I am afraid to use them in front of my melanoma friend. He has melanoma in his lungs and there I am inhaling albuterol because my allergies are fussy. ASSHOLE BILLY. If only the inhaler was magic and could destroy melanoma...)

And I want to have lunch with The BedMate.

I don't know what to do next.
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