So MOVE is playing at Sakuracon this year. I will be at the con, yes 8) And I'm inviting people attending to learn the
para para routine for Gamble Rumble and do it with me at their show :D YAAAYY
They should be playing Gamble Rumble, right? hahahaa
I hope Derek is actually doing that para para panel :o I also don't know if S-con is getting some form of arcade games period, since their usual distributor, Illuzions, went out of freakin' business. PS DON'T FORGET KID WHATEVER'S SHOOOOWWWWW AT S-CON GO TO IT
And sorry I've been out of the lj business for a horribly long while, I'll get caught up with it when I have time. These days my internet dilly-dallying has been spent with the new
PNWbemani forum rather than with LJ.