[Drabble] 3-liner challenge: collection I!

Mar 16, 2015 00:54

I've opened my tumblr ask box for 3-liner drabble promts! \(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/

You can ask me to write 3-liner stories by giving me three prompts: a word/an item, a pairing and a genre. [3-liner meaning there will only be three sentences to the drabble ;3]

Pairings I am willing to entertain include: chansoso, baeksoo, chensoo, krisoo, huhan, xiuhan, krislay, taohun, layhan, chenbaek, sesoo, laysoo, chanchen, kaibaek, xiusoo, kristao

As for the word/item and genre, ANYTHING GOES!

Chocolate sauce / chansoo / smut
Taking his long finger dipped in sweet chocolate sauce, Chanyeol traced Kyungsoo’s full, pouty lips, swollen from ravishing kisses. Simultaneously as he delivered another powerful thrust down below, Chanyeol shoved his finger in his lover’s mouth and swirled it around with the latter’s tongue, muffling a rare groan of ecstasy from the stoic man pinned roughly beneath him. “Make sure you savour me, Kyungsoo,” Chanyeol whisper sensually, his voice deep and raspy, “taste the sweetness only I can give to you.”

Ring / chansoo / fluff
Some hides the ring in the dessert and some drops it into the champagne, but Chanyeol being Chanyeol slipped the ring into the plate of kimchi spaghetti. So when a simple silver band appeared hanging among the strands of saucy spaghettis on his fork, Kyungsoo being Kyungsoo glared at his boyfriend for his ‘ingenuity’ and kicked the other in the shin beneath the table. Nevertheless, Kyungsoo said yes with a shy smile as he watched Chanyeol slipped the ring still covered in kimchi juice on his finger with a toothy grin; no matter how idiotic he thought Chanyeol was, Kyungsoo was glad the gentle giant was at last his idiot.

Scarf / chansoo / fluff
Out of nowhere, something red and wooly choked Chanyeol from behind and before he could even utter a sound, his body was tugged backward further as the something red and wooly went around his neck couple of times more. When he finally snapped out of shock, he realized there was a fluffy red scarf wrapped around his neck and the person who gave it to him was already walking away briskly. Fingering the handmade scarf, Chanyeol smiled brightly at the escaping figure with red ears while calling out loudly, causing the other’s ears to turn another shade darker: “I love you too, Kyungsoo!”

Blanket / chansoo / fluff
Somewhat annoyed, Chanyeol cracked his eyes open slowly as the chilly night air brushed against his bare skin; Kyungoo had once again taken all the blanket. Hazily, Chanyeol glanced at the bundle of fabric wrapped tightly around his snoozing boyfriend, and after several times of trying but failing to recover some coverage for himself, he simply pulled both the body and blanket on top of him. ‘If I can’t fight you for the blanket, then I will just use you as the blanket!’ Chanyeol thought smugly and soon he fell back to sleep feeling Kyungsoo’s body heat, completely unaware of the small calculating smirk that surfaced on the other’s face in the dark.

Scarf / chansoo / smut
“Let’s play a game,” Kyungsoo smirked against Chanyeol’s trembling lips and quickly, he blocked the other’s sight completely by tying the red fuzzy scarf around other’s eyes. Sliding a finger slowly down Chanyeol’s chest and past his toned stomach, the smirk on Kyungsoo’s face widened when he heard a gasp of his name as his fingers travelled further down Chanyeol’s body, teasing and caressing with leisure despite the panting and begging from his boyfriend to hurry up. Tenderly, as his tongue flicked Chanyeol’s ear lope, extracting another gasp of pleasure from his boyfriend, Kyungsoo tugged at the loose ends of the scarf roughly; seductively, he whispered into Chanyeol’s ears: “No rush, let’s take our time and play the game.”

Glasses / baeksoo / suspense & smut
Sliding the frameless glasses down his nose slowly, Kyungsoo observed his new prey with amble interests and bloodlust reflected in his depthless, dark orbs. Baekhyun gulped nervously; he was by no mean a conservative when it came to trying new things for sex, but being bounded up butt naked against the wall of a dungeon with leather straps was even a bit too much for him to handle. “It’s okay, you’ll enjoy it soon,” Kyungsoo said lightly with a sinister smirk as if read the other’s mind and strutting confidently, he walked up to Baekhyun placing his glasses on for the nervous man, “I promise you, it will only hurts in the beginning.”

Teeth / baeksoo / fantasy & fluff
Emotionlessly, Kyungsoo slammed his wizard staff down, casting a spell that caused the ground beneath Baekhyun’s feet to crumble and as lava erupted out of the cracks, Baekhyun the werewolf bared his canine like teeth at the wizard: “Fuck Soo, are you trying to kill me?!” Repeating his spell again and watching the werewolf seething in anger as he loudly cursed the wizard while clumsily avoiding all the attacks, Kyungsoo replied curtly: “Yes.” Of course, the wizard doesn’t really want the werewolf to die; simply Kyungsoo liked seeing Baekhyun’s angry face, especially the pair of canine like teeth that appeared whenever the werewolf was angry, but the wizard will never let the other know that!

Jellyfish / baeksoo / comedy
“Look Soo, jellyfish!” a dead fishe on a plate with strawberry jelly smeared all over its shiny body appeared in front of Kyungsoo’s face and without any hesitation, Kyungsoo picked up the said ‘jellyfish’ and smacked it mercilessly on Baekhyun’s grinning face. The dead fish slid slowly down Baekhyun’s still smiling face, and when the fish finally dropped back onto the plate with a dull ‘plop’, Baekhyun spoke again, grinning at Kyungsoo’s poker face: “I’m sorry, did I say jellyfish? I meant jelly fish, hahaha! Get it, Soo? Jelly fis- @#$^%&$%!!” That day, Baekhyun learnt that strawberry jelly does not taste good paired with raw fish.

Fake moustache / baeksoo / fluff
“I can’t believe I’m doing this…” Kyungsoo mumbled and the bushy fake moustache wiggled comically right below his nose; next to him, Baekhyun grinned mischievously with an even more outrageous-looking fake moustache attached to his face. “Well, since you rejected couple shirts and couple everything, this was the only other thing I could think of! Couple fake moustache!” Baekhyun exclaimed with his hands in the air and Kyungsoo could not help but glare at his boyfriend, wondering again why he was dating this crazy man called Byung Baekhyun. However seconds later, when Baekhyun started to make funny faces with his fake moustache and trying to cheer up his sulking boyfriend, Kyungsoo could not help but crack a smile and he remembered; that was why he was dating this crazy man, because Baekhyun will always be able to bring a smile to his face, no matter when.

The ask box is still open, so ask away and I'm anticipating for interesting prompts! :D [you don't need a tumblr account to ask]


fluff, cute, fantasy, chanyeol, suspense, baekhyun, prompts, chansoo, baeksoo, kyungsoo/d.o., smut, humor, drabble, exo

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