Dirty Jobs: Introduction

Feb 23, 2015 19:40

Dirty Jobs
Chansoo / Baekchen / Xiuhan
Suho, Yixing, Kris, Sehun, Kai, Tao

EXO is an underground group in Seoul that will do anything, meaning they will take any job you give them as long as you pay the appropriate price. You can ask them to find someone, or you can ask them to make someone disappear. They will do the dirty jobs no one else is willing to do.

Character introduction

Xiumin - The Leader

  • He used to be the leader of a youth gang and was feared for his fighting skills and ruthlessness. He has wide connections in the underground world.
  • He quit the gang when his best friend, Luhan, became a comatose patient because of a gang related accident.
  • Xiumin and Luhan are both orphans and grew up together.
  • On the side, he has opened a coffee shop.The coffee shop is usually the hangout/meet-up place for EXO members.
  • He has a pair of sharp cat eyes, but a baby face. People often underestimate him because of his baby face. Luhan often calls him “Baozi” because of his round cheeks.
  • He is generally a calm person with great organization and leadership skills. He is also a clean freak. He is always lecturing Chanyeol and Baekhyun about cleaning up. .

Luhan - The Dream Walker

  • He is an orphan and grew up with Xiumin. He used to be Xiumin’s right-hand man in the youth gang.
  • He fell into a comatose state after getting into a gang related accident, but has somehow developed telepathic abilities. He can also access people’s consciousness through dreams and gather information. However, he can only communicate with Xiumin for some reason; to the others he is just a breathing body on a bed.
  • He tries to help out EXO whenever he can with his ability. He's always feeling guilty because he knows Xiumin started EXO because of him.
  • He ‘adopted’ Kyungsoo when Kyungsoo was 10 and took care of him until he fell into a coma.

Chanyeol - The Arsonist + Explosive Expert

  • Known to the police as “The Fire Phoenix” because of his arson activities. Different from other arsonist, instead of setting fire to an entire building, he burns his trademark sign, a large phoenix, on the side of buildings, inside buildings, in public parks or wherever he sees fit. At one point, he was responsible for 20 arson cases in one month.
  • He is also an explosive expert because his father was a special effect specialist - his father passed away when he was 16 while experimenting with a new explosive.
  • He joined EXO because Xiumin caught him in one of his arson acts, when he was about to set fire to the side of Xiumin’s coffee shop. Xiumin threated to hand him over to the police at first, but when he heard about EXO, he gladly joined because “it sounds like a lot of fun”.
  • He’s really tall, really lanky and really loud. He can come across as an idiot at first, but he is actually smart and quite sly. He is always wearing a burnt metal ring from his dad.
  • He’s in his early 20s and has no long term goal. He has also made a name for himself by selling his explosives in the underground black market.

Kyungsoo - The Poison Master

  • He grew up in seclusion in a large mansion outside of the city. He was home-schooled by his mother, a poison expert, and his father, a biohazard scientist.
  • He didn’t go outside of his house until he was 10 years old. That’s when he first met Xiumin and Luhan in the youth gang. He was ‘adopted’ by Luhan because Luhan thought he looked adorable. Later, he helped Xiumin set up EXO.
  • He left his house to look for his parents because his parents disappeared while on businesses. He was never sure what his parents did, but he knew it had something to do with the government.
  • Similar to his parents, he is extremely interested in poison and biohazard research. He is continuing the research his parents left behind, and is a master at developing deadly poisons and biological weapons.
  • He is the shortest and youngest in EXO, being the only teenager. He is extremely pale because he hates going outside.
  • He tends to show affection through violence, especially towards Baekhyun.

Jongdae - The Hacker + Communications Expert

  • Definitely the most normal person in EXO. He grew up in a suburban home with his parents and an older brother. His dad was an accountant and his mom was a housewife.
  • He studied computer programming in university, before dropping out because he was so bored with everything.
  • He is known to the police by his hacker code name “Thunder” and the police are in pursuit of him. He started hacking when he was 14. They once almost caught him, and that’s when he became a client of Xiumin. In exchange for helping him, Xiumin asked him to join EXO. He is the only member who didn’t voluntarily join EXO.
  • He lied to his parents that EXO is a private company and he works as one of their computer programmers, designing anti-hacking programs all day.
  • Aside from taking jobs from EXO, he also invests in stocks. He loves money.
  • He is in his early 20s and has a smile that makes him look like a Cheshire cat. He comes across as a polite, honest young man, but inside he is a sneaky person. He is good at reading people and understanding what they want.

Baekhyun - The Con Artist + Professional Thief

  • His parents by trade were magicians, but made most of their livings by being marriage con artists.
  • He learned how to be a good con artist by watching his parents, and he has been trained to pick pockets and locks since he was very young, insisted by his mother that these are vital skills.
  • The police suspects that he is a con artist, but they do not have enough evidence to convict him. His victims would not testify again him because they always loved him too much. He is a smooth talker and can almost talk himself out of anything.
  • He joined EXO after spontaneously helping out Chanyeol in one of his jobs because EXO jobs challenged his abilities and skills as a con artist and thief.
  • He is also in his early 20s, but looks like he could be in high school. His soft features, charming smile and suave mannerism are his best weapons.
  • He is really loud, just like Chanyeol, and when the two are together, they are like 10 year-olds stuck in adult bodies.


jongin/kai, jongdae/chen, dark, tao, tragedy, allsoo, kris, angst, chanyeol, urban, sehun, fanfiction, swearing, violence, baekhyun, baekchen, action, luhan, humor, fanfic, chapter story, suho, introduction, xiumin, chinguline, lay/yixing, romance, gang, chansoo, xiuhan, kyungsoo/d.o., gore, exo

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