Breaking Bad

Feb 23, 2015 18:57

Breaking Bad
Chinguline (chenbaekchansoo)

Kyungsoo had always liked the show Breaking Bad but he never thought he'd one day live the life of Walter White.

Breaking Bad

[Friendship Chinguline: Kyungsoo x Chanyeol x Baekhyun x Jongdae]

Kyungsoo had always liked the show Breaking Bad but he never thought he'd one day live the life of Walter White.

Yet here he is, suited up in his biohazard suit and a gas mask, and concocting methamphetamine in an abandon hotel in Seoul. This place is a far cry from being ideal but it was better than anywhere else Chanyeol and Baekhyun could come up with. The hotel was abandoned a month ago when it went bankrupted and Kyungsoo knows for sure that in a week’s time it will be demolished, along with the evidence of the temporary meth lab him had set up in one of the suite rooms. The lab was crudely constructed and had minimal equipment, mostly stolen from the University lab or purchased by Chanyeol and Baekhyun earlier this morning, but it was enough for Kyungsoo to work with. He had never made methamphetamine before and of course he wouldn’t have since he is just a typical 24 years-old chemistry graduate student, but he understands the theory behind cooking meth and have watched enough Breaking Bad to have a sense of the procedure. He was surprised when Chanyeol and Baekhyun came begging at 4 in the morning for his help to cook up a pound of the illegal drug, but after hearing their reason he begrudgingly agreed. If he wasn’t best friends with Chanyeol and Baekhyun, as well as the captured Jongdae, since they were toddlers, the chemist would not have ever agreed to do something this illegal. But one of his best friends is in trouble and he cannot just stand idle by.

Kyungsoo thinks he is nothing like Walter White. Aside from the fact that they are both a little stoic, have extensive and intuitive knowledge on chemistry, and are forced to cook methamphetamine for money, Kyungsoo and Walter White are different like night and day. He thinks that if he was more like the bearded badass, then maybe he can better justify the situation he is currently in to himself.  But alas, he is not a middle-aged white man with terminal cancer and a family in financial turmoil; he is simply Do Kyungsoo, a Korean young man of middle-class background who has best friends that may literally be the death of him. Speaking of his friends, Kyungsoo hears Chanyeol and Baekhyun’s bicker outside in the hallway.

“We’re back,” Chanyeol hollers as he enters the hotel suite, “Kyungsoo are you in the other room? It smells awful in here!”

“Well what do you expect, dumbass? You think I’m cooking dinner for you two back here?” Kyungsoo shouts from the inner room, a.k.a. "the money lab” as Baekhyun had labeled it earlier. His voice may be muffled by the mask but his sarcasm is at full volume. Kyungsoo rolls his eyes as he inspects the the bubbling flask and prepares for the next step.  All of a sudden, Baekhyun opens the door and waves a McDonald paper bag in his hand.

“Hello to you too, asshole. We got you food.”

“Shut the fucking door Baekhyun!” Kyungsoo’s muffled scream booms in the small room. Baekhyun sends his friend a disgusted look but obediently shuts the door quickly. “Fuck!” Kyungsoo exclaims at the door, "Do you have a death wish, Baekhyun?!"

“Stop being a fucking drama queen, Soo” Baekhyun hollers from the other side, “No one is around, and the smell and fume is so bad in there, you’re going to suffocate yourself.”

“Well if you haven’t noticed genius, I’m wearing a fucking gas mask! But you weren’t!” Kyungsoo shouts back irritably. Sometimes he thinks his friends have no brains. “If you want to die of gas poisoning, be my guest and waltz your fat ass back in here. Come on, I’m waiting!” Chanyeol’s boisterous laughter explodes in the other room and Kyungsoo thinks he hears Baekhyun call him a “heartless dick”. The chemist ignores his friends and goes back to the task on hand.

Sometime later, Kyungsoo emerges from his temporary lab and rips the gas mask off of his face. Chanyeol is sprawled across the dusty old mattress fiddling a gun in his hand and Baekhyun is sitting on the ground with his back leaning against the side of the bed. Kyungsoo wrinkles his nose disapprovingly at his friends’ carelessness for lying and sitting on such dirty surfaces.

“Are we close to done?” Baekhyun asks absentmindedly with his eyes locked to the phone screen.

“You mean am I close to done?” Kyungsoo retorts, “Yes. We just have to wait a couple of hours for the crystals to set.” He watches Chanyeol sit up and smile at him while still clutching the gun. Kyungsoo doesn’t even want to know where his friends have gotten the gun from. “Do you know how to use that? It’d be kind of funny if Jongdae dies in your hand instead of his captor’s because you didn’t know how to use a gun.” Kyungsoo don’t usually joke and when he does, he’s horrible at it.

Chanyeol shrugs and runs his large hand up and down the shaft of the weapon slowly. “This is similar enough to the replica I used to own, so yah I think I will be okay.” He walks over to the standing Kyungsoo and envelops the shorter man into a hug so tender that it shocks Kyungsoo. “Thanks Soo, we wouldn’t know what to do if it wasn’t for you.” Chanyeol’s breath was hot and moist, tickling the latter’s ears. Feeling slightly uncomfortable but also enjoying the loving embrace, Kyungsoo nods and awkwardly pats Chanyeol’s back. Next to them on the ground, Baekhyun completely ignores the awkward display of affection. He’s used to sights like this; Chanyeol trying to “make a move”, as Jongdae always put it, on Kyungsoo, and the latter being the robot he always is.

The four friends have known each other since they were toddlers because they all lived in the same apartment complex. Since they were young, Chanyeol, Baekhyun Jongdae shared the unfortunate talent of attracting all kinds of trouble and finding themselves in increasingly dangerous predicaments as they aged, such as the one they are in right now. Long story short: the three trouble makers got drunk with a Chinese meth dealer associated with a Hongkong syndicate, the dealer lost a pound of his merchandise while getting shit-faced, so he blamed the three Koreans for his loss of merchandise and captured Jongdae as the hostage. He threatened Chanyeol and Baekhyun that if he doesn’t get his merchandise back within 24 hours, he will kill Jongdae.

And that was the circumstance under which Kyungsoo found two of his best friends frantically pounding on his apartment door and ringing his door bell incessantly at 4am in the morning. Growing up together, the chemist always cleaned up after his friends but the troublemakers also compensated Kyungsoo by being the most loyal and fun friends the boy could ask for. As Jongdae cleverly described once, by being friends with the troublemakers Kyungsoo has gained a pack of minions and the three gained their defending champion. Kyungsoo sometimes question why he continues to put up with his friends and their nonsensical antics, but he knows the answer deep down in his heart: he has a soft spot for the three idiots and they also bring excitement into his normal and rigid life. Although, cooking meth in an abandoned hotel is a little too exciting for Kyungsoo’s taste.

“So where are you meeting the dealer later?” Kyungsoo asks as he pulls away from the hug. Chanyeol and Baekhyun look at each other and then it hits them. They didn’t get the dealer’s name nor did they ever agree on where to meet!

“Uh…. Shit.” Baekhyun bits his lower lip and Chanyeol starts to pace around the room muttering swear words under his breath. Kyungsoo’s eyes widen and he stares shockingly at his best friends.

“YOU DON’T KNOW WHERE???” Kyungsoo's voice boomed like thunder before a storm and the other two cringe. Baekhyun rubs the back of his head and flashes his cute ‘ehe I’m sorry’ face with a winking eye and his tongue sticking out. Kyungsoo never felt more need to head lock Baekhyun than now, and he does so in a flash.

‘Fuck,’ Kyungsoo thinks as he tightens his grip around Baekhyun’s neck while ignoring Chanyeol’s panicked yelps about how humans need to breath, ‘Jongdae is as good as dead.’


“Got any 8?”

“Go fish.”

Jongdae sat across the table from his captor, whom he found out was named Tao, and squints at the cards in his cuffed hands. He’s good at go fish and he’s not about to lose now, even if he is being held hostage. Tao taps his finger on the table and waits for Jongdae’s next move.

“Got any queens?” Jongdae asks and Tao shakes his head.

“Go fish... You sure you don’t want to call your friends about where to meet for the exchange now?”

“No, the little shits can suffer from guilt for a bit longer. That's what they get for running away so quickly.” Jongdae replies in a nonchalant tone. He could tell Tao doesn’t really want to kill him and the Chinese man just wants his merchandise back. And he will, Jongdae assures himself, Kyungsoo is a chemistry genius so cooking up some meth should be no problem at all. He smiles a little imagining Kyungsoo’s pissed off face behind a gas mask and the chemist putting Baekhyun or Chanyeol in one of his infamous headlocks. Tao raises his eyebrow at his hostage: what a weird man.

“Alright, if you are sure... Got any kings?”

“Nope, go fish.” Jongdae replies with a Cheshire cat grin on his face. He still has time; his best friends can definitely suffer for a little bit longer.

fanfic, jongdae/chen, chinguline, short story, chanyeol, baekhyun, dark, tao, fanfiction, kyungsoo/d.o., swearing, humor, exo

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