Adjustments required

Apr 27, 2014 11:20

Everytime I think that things might maybe calm down something pops up. Yesterday one of the dogs (the accident/illness prone one) had a seizure. Pup is fine and it's not a real concern until a pattern develops but it is just OneMoreThing. It seems that my personal life is just as high stress as my professional at this point. Ironically post-docs are suppose to be the low stress point of one's career in theory.

So I need to figure out how to adjust. I just came out of a 'hide from the world' period where I bury myself in work and novels. Don't get me wrong, there are TONS of worse strategies out there and I managed to meet all the crisis head on and deal with it more or less appropriately. Downside is 1) I'm basically non-existent outside of work when I react like this, 2) tend to swing the other way where I ignore work for a few days/weeks and 3) will 'work/read' myself into a migraine or cluster of migraines.

Question is how to adjust to this new higher stress level? Some ideas include: Take a weekend off a month and go bike camping, re-establishing one day a week as 'no work', regular exercise/good food/sufficient sleep, more attention to hobbies, letting go of certain work goals/deadlines.

I guess what I'm trying to say is: work-life balance is hard.

work-life balance, career

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