My goal this year was to fill a sketchbook from cover to cover. I got off to a rough start with pages full of practice sketches and random doodles and a general dissatisfaction with what I was putting into the sketchbook. Notice that by the end of April, I had only gotten to page 7.
Further Reflection )
Comments 11
Also, young Tulare on page 73. I really also need to draw him for you, because he rocks.
(And I totally read the caption for page 72 as "Soquan and Jozra eating a companion..." at first. :O )
Also, have I seen pictures of Yazeth? I'm not sure! I know that's your screen name, but I'm not certain I ever asked you about the character in question.
Page 73's young Tulare!
Soq and Joz eating a companion?? ...! THAT would be quite the scene. :o
I'm not sure if you've seen Yazeth either! I don't get around to drawing her much.
lonebluewolf drew her once for me in a trade, though he took down his dA gallery so now I'm not sure where to find it. (I didn't save it?? !!!)
She showed up in a sketch dump.
There's this old old painting I did and a few more ancient drawings of her on Side7.
Hopefully that link works. One of the things that made me stop using Side7 was the way it disallowed linking to an image in a gallery.
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Page 16
Page 20 (Maps are hard but I love having them! There's a few others I need to work on, especially now that Oparanth from CrossedPaths is revealing itself to me.)
Page 44
Page 67
I hope I got those all linked and labeled correctly! I just caught a mistake where I linked page 67 as page 1!
2, 7 (so many levels lure me to this) 21, 27, 59, 78 (which sounds totally random because I was looking through and homing in on random words that caught my attention... There is various others that I'm lured to...but I'm a sketch junky :p. Perhaps if I actually take a fabled road trip to California this spring break...
I'm including Page 33, even though there aren't any swarmies in it yet.
To make up for it, here's Page 19, which does have a swarmy!
Page 2
Page 7
Page 21
Page 27
Page 59
Page 78
Oooooh, yes! California calls!
I'm going to ask you to wait for Page 72, since it's something I'm currently working on, but I did a Ctrl-F search through the inventory for keywords "Jozra" and "Soquan" and scanned each of the pages that came up.
Assuming that when I get home there is: A) electricity, and B) internet, I will be online. We're getting hammered though (is this storm affecting you? Satellite images on the TeeVee last night after 24 looked like the storms were all over the West Coast), trees are coming down here and there, and our local grid has never been super stable so I'm kind of expecting some outages. And if anything drops anywhere in the chain of tubes, so go the internets. :/
Anywho, we had bad windstorms Sunday night, they kept me up 'till nearly 4AM 'till I found some earplugs. My bedroom window whistles, you see, and I sleep right under it.
Also: stupid window! One of mine makes noise if I don't close it and latch it down hard enough and it's tricky to get just right so I only open it in Instances of Dire Heat that the other, littler window can't handle.
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