Episode 2.13 - "High School Confidential"

Feb 22, 2006 21:39

Whew! I have a very entertaining & disturbing stream of dreams earlier tonight. The first one takes place in the Shaolin Temple, where my Chinese girlfriend (who resembles Kara Hui) is being held captive by a 500-pound Japanese guy. Inside the dojo we are surrounded by about 40 people our age (Fatso's lackies). Anywho, she and I magically manage to catch him off guard as we simultaneously stab him with 16 chopsticks each. His lackies panic, scurrying away like pigs on all fours.

Chinese babe seals the exits; we both quickly kill all of the henchmen by impaling them with chopsticks... very slow, very nasty business, BTW. Lots of blood and vomit spewed in all directions. *cringe* After slowly impaling one guy (pushing the chopstick through the back and the ribcage) I realize that it's Steve and I wonder, "Why does Steve have to die?" Oh well. Another dying person I recognize is Alexis, one of my dearest friends--not even Dream James would do that... so I'll go out on a limb and say my Chinese companion did. Of course.

I walk out of the Temple only to find myself in Janelle's living room. EJ, Colleen, and Shannon's cousin Jess are sitting on the couch. Shannon's performing a striptease in front of them while wearing her tie-dyed chef's costume (hat and all) from The Visits, the one-act play she co-wrote. And that's not even the weird part! She's wielding a butcher knife as she happily dances around the room with a big bright smile. She's a strange one, that Shannon. I'm probably dreaming this because earlier I had a flashback to when I was contemplating the idea of giving Shannon a sexy private dance on her birthday.

The last, most intriguing dream of all takes place in a NHS Cafeteria/College Dining Hall hybrid. I'm sitting at a table with Shannon (still dressed as Chef Boyardee on Ecstasy) and some of my Film Studies classmates, and across the room I see Danny. He walks over to the table next to ours and approaches Sparky's sister, Barb. In a much deeper voice than he has in real life, Danny says to her: "I used to be watching you. Now I feel like you're watching me," He laughs nervously and finally tells Barb, "I don't know how to say this so I'll just say... 'Tell me about it, Stud. Tell me about it, Stud.'"

Say WHAT?! Stealing pick-up lines from Olivia Newton-John? *sad shake of head* Tisk, tisk. After Danny says this, he looks into her eyes and kisses Barb fiercely. I run over with my camera and take a snapshot of the happy couple. I seem genuinely happy for them... and if this were real life, I really would be happy. Nobody else in the room even pays attention to the two of them (no smiles, no applause)--only me. In a way, this is something that I really want to see in real life (definitely not with Barb, though); the best way for me to fully rid myself of any feelings I ever had for Danny is to picture him with some HOT girl, fucking her brains out every weekend.

I wake up and Sean's on his way to Wall Ball. His stuffed-up sinuses have switched nostrils, apparently. Good for him. And possibly good for me: I didn't hear him snore AT ALL last night. WOO!

season 2, james burkhalter, danny strein, alexis west, barb sparklin, marianne sparklin, jessica, ej bohrer, janelle littlejohn, sean rafter, shannon szuba, steve slowinski

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