
Jul 26, 2006 21:22

It's totally a bitch, isn't it? Not that I revel in other people's loss or anything. It's just wonderfully ironic.

Nutella, if you have not ever tried it, is fabulous. It is this hazelnut creamy stuff that's like icing only not that sugary and it's all natural and so gooooooood. Yum. It was apparently made a lot during WW2 when chocolate was really scarce.

Mythbusters is awesome too.

Red Stripe has the most awesome commercials.

And I will stop talking about TV now.

Random Word From The Dictionary!:
can*de*la*bra - noun; an ornamental branched candlestick or lamp with several lights.
Preceeded in list by "cancer". Followed by "candid". According to my student-ish Merriam-Webster.
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