Oct 25, 2009 20:41
My last posting was a bit of a downer, and for good reason, namely venting. But Things aren't all that bad lately.
I finally got my third Leopard Gecko! She's got a curtailed tail (LOL). I got her for free when I purchased one from the pet shop since she was left at there door inside a box. Had chunks out of her tail and was not in good shape. She's so cute! and curious too. I like watching her climb about since the other two do not like to move around much.
School has also been going really well. I got 80% on my physics mid-term, and is offcially my best mark so far. No wonder, I have a really cute physics TA and I go in for extra help XD. Working in the chem lab has also been really fun. I am learning plenty of techniques and getting a head start on labs which I will be doing in later years by having to read up on and set them up. So school is going very well.
Today was the Bazarre of the Bizarre, which showcased plenty of booths with interesting trinkets and wares. I bought three T shirts and a book on Coffee VS Brains in the morning, a parody on how we're all zombies when we wake.
I am looking forward to next weekend and will try to finish all my assignments so that I don't have to worry about them till next monday. Should be a good Halloween as last year I was working and missed out on an apparently fun time.