Genre: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Title: 100 Days, 100 Drabbles
Chapter Title: The Southern Air Temple (052/100)
catalyst283Word count: 191
Rating: PG
Warnings: implied images
Notes: I've seen very few fics from the perspective of this character (heck, I myself have not written him before this XD) so I was very hesitative when writing this drabble, wondering if I was writing him right and all…
The Southern Air Temple
But Gyatso, how do I know if I'm ready for this?
Aang, my ever-questioning pupil; a boy filled with much happiness and joy and so incredibly full of life. Silly and loveable, sweet but naïve. At twelve, he is still Aang, just Aang. But one day he will become much more than that, will have a responsibility and fate so great…so great that sometimes I wonder if there has been a mistake, if they have the wrong boy, if there is another way…
To take all of what he is away from him; to force another identity upon him at the age of twelve, not even a teenager yet…I worry deeply for him. Already so much has been taken from him, so much has changed. Nothing will ever be the same in his life.
Upon first glance, you could never tell that this young airbender will one day become the Avatar, the master of all elements and the one who holds the fate of the world in his hands.
But I know, deep inside, it is right. He is the one. He will save the world.