A big surprise~!

Mar 18, 2011 00:26

Wow. I had a very exciting day yesterday~ But first I want to give some history~

I believe most of you know (or at least know of) my boyfriend, Brandon. I think some of you met him at Ohayocon a couple years back? I may be wrong, haha.

Anyway, Brandon and I started dating freshman year of highschool. I thought he was kinda that odd kid, and he never talked to me much. We kind of became friends, but he was really awkward around me, haha. (I'm sure I was too, hell, I'm still very awkward today haha) Anyway, about halfway through the year, not Brandon, but his BROTHER, Josh came up to me and said, "Hey, my brother's taking too much time, so I'll just tell you myself. He likes you, and wants to ask you out." I was shocked. D8 No boy's ever even wanted to LOOK at me. It was kind of funny though, because I looked over and he was pretty pissed at his brother. |D Anyway, he came over and ~officially~ asked me out, and mostly out of nerves/shock/idk I said "y--yeah?" and thus started that.

Now, that didn't last more than a year. I was sort of...scared, I guess? This was very new to me, and I just didn't know how to react. So, I broke up with him. That was very hard to do...because I liked him too, it was just too much stress for me to handle back then. We still hung out at lunch and whenever at school, but it was very, very awkward. Anyway, it was beginning to become the band season again, which all my little group of friends were in, including Brandon.

One thing to know about him is that he's persistent.The second time he asked me out was at sophomore year band camp. (lol) I was glad he did, and a bit relieved. So we went out for a while, and I'm a bit fuzzy on the details here, but after that while, I broke up with him for a second time. I seem to recall a couple of my "friends" somehow used my insecurities to make me second-guess how I feel about him. And I guess it worked. (I later found out that one of those "friends" tried to make some moves on Brandon and he was all like "fuck that lol" That girl was...ugh.) So anyway, Brandon and I were once again friends, but I could tell I've broken his heart once more. I knew he loved me at that point, and I hurt him. But yet again, he perseveres. But this time, he waited. Which, turned out is exactly what I needed, lol. Finally, at senior prom (ugghh this sounds like a high-school television drama e____e;; ), I turned the tables. This time I asked HIM out. WHOAA WHAT A TWEEEST! And from that point onward, we've been dating. :>

However, I was selfish about it. Without even realising it, I started making up for lost time and hanging out with Brandon quite a bit. That was foolish. I was very selfish about that. And I ended up hurting one of the most important people in my life. Without even thinking, I had been neglecting my best friend. This was a new thing in Sarah and I's nearly life-long friendship. I went about it completely wrong, and that resulted in her feeling quite upset, demoted, and unloved. I felt horrible. I still feel terrible about it. It's one of those things that if I could go back in time and correct what I have done wrong. I tried my best to heal the wounds I created though, and reassured her he wasn't taking me away from her, and that even though I had already screwed up and caused so much trouble, I wanted to spend more time with her. And I did. We were in college by that point, and I was in Dayton while she was in Columbus, so it was hard to spend much time together. I wanted  to drive up and see her, but college left me drained and I had no job and no money. But I did my best to earn her forgiveness. I just want to say, Sarah, you're practically a sister to me, and I love you dearly. <3 I hope I have earned your forgiveness. I know everything's a lot to take in, and I don't expect you to be fully on track with it immediately, so just take your time. :) Brandon felt horrible about everything, too, and also understands what you're feeling, because believe it or not, HIS best friend, Derek, felt exactly the same as you did. x"D

Now this brings me to what I wanted to tell in the first place. Yesterday (that is Wednesday), was the last day of Brandon and I's horrible Sociology class, which ends at around 10 in the morning. So, as we sometimes do on class days, hung out for the rest of the day. Yesterday we went back to my house, and took a nice long nap, since we both basically pulled an all-nighter finishing up our TEN THOUSAND things for Sociology. Afterwards we dug in some lunch, and decided to go on a walk, since it was the first nice day in a while. We walked to some small woods in my neighborhood and found a cool fallen tree to sit on. We just kind of chilled and talked a while, some deer walked pretty close to us, which was cool. The clouds were starting to cover the sun, and made our nice day suddenly pretty chilly. I suggested we head back and started to get up when he stopped me. He told me a while back, in Februrary that he had bought an engagement ring and was looking for the right time and place to ask, and now was just too perfect. "Will you marry me?" I guess it shocked me so much, I thought he was sort of joking? Though, I thought I heard the words "engagement ring" and "marry". Surely I misheard, right? Nope.jpg. He didn't have the ring at that moment (oh lol), as he wasn't even planning on asking as of that morning. Of course, since there's sort of a drama right now involving my 19 year old niece getting married, my first thought was "WHAT WILL MY PARENTS THINK?!" But after explaining that he personally met with my dad to ask his blessing, and even called my mom in Georgia to ask her permission, and after I had wrapped my head around it, I said yes. :) I love him so, so much. And honestly, I have a hard time imaging a future without him. Even after going to his house later to actually GIVE me the ring, it feels so unreal. Oh God, am I dreaming? Nope, and I have the proof on my finger:


So it's official. I'm engaged! And I couldn't be happier. :) Nervous, yes, but very happy. :)

I just want to let everyone know, though we are engaged, we aren't even thinking about the wedding (oh man it feels so strange to say that haha) for quite a while. LIke, YEARS. We're both going to finish up school and get our lives in order before we even think about it. So, NOTHING'S GOING TO CHANGE FOR A LONG TIME. We don't even have a date picked out, and probably won't for a long, long time. Which I'm honestly very glad about. I'm still going to go to conventions, and go to school, and everything. :) We're definately not rushing into it, haha.

Anyway, I commend those who made it all the way through that. xD That was certainly the most I've written on my LJ for a LONG-ASS TIME. I'll probably make a post soon about regular cosplay/school/convention stuff~ but for now I'm spent. XD

By the way; HAPPY ST. PATTY'S DAY, EVERYONE!!! Did you wear your green?

brandon, life, engagement, sarah, love

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