Feb 10, 2011 17:58
So by now I'm sure you've all realized I'm super horrible at keeping up with things as far as LJ goes. U__U;; I'm so sorry! I've kept up with events, and all goings-ons, but idk. LJ's not my forte. Haha. Today I just got on, and re-discovered that little "post" button, and decided to give it a go. I'm lazy and tired, so this entry may make no sense at all, but hey. That's part of what LJ's for, right? ....right? Now, where to begin...
I know! I'll start with Ohayocon. Tons of fun, as usual. It was a lot of fun rooming with Diane, Miri, Meesh and her friend~ <3 And I'm super grateful to them for letting Sarah and I stay in the room, too! I know it was a little crowded, but we all managed somehow. :) I'm not going to do a day-by-day of the con, a) because I'm sure you already know what went down and b) I'm too lazy. :P We didn't have the time to go pick up badges, but that was fine since we just did awesome cosplay stuff the whole time. <3 I'm so amazed, in the past year alone I've met so, so many people, and I just continue to meet more! So happy! <3 (sorry for getting a little mush-mush there, ahaha.;; ) I think one of my favorite parts of the whole con was running around in our SH stuff, being goofy as hell. I actually got IN a trashcan. Well, tried to. I'm so glad I was able to be a part of that. <3 Brandon came up Saturday just to hang out a bit, which was nice. I wish he could join us in our convention shenanigans more, but I understand he simply does not have the time nor money. Which leads me to the next part I want to talk about.
I'm....quite literally broke. Literally. It's going to be a stretch for me to just make it to Tekko and ACen. I'm honestly not sure how many cons I'll be able to go to this year. :T But maybe I'll still manage somehow? Truthfully, I'm just in a little bit of a slump now, that Ohayocon's over with. I was pulled over and handed a Speeding Ticket, not 50 feet from our exit. O____O My first speeding ticket, ugh. I was hoping I'd never see the day...it was pure unfortunate timing/ shitty luck that I happened to get caught. I was in the far left lane, and needed to get over quickly, otherwise we'd miss the exit, so I had to speed up to get around some people, and didn't even notice the highway patrol sitting RIGHT THERE. What luck. So I had to shell out $123 to resolve that issue. Leaving me with $17 in my checking account, and a couple (dwindling) $20s in cash for the next couple of weeks. I'm going to have to really save up and probably sell a bunch of old things again to have enough for both Tekko and Acen, about a month apart. Whew. Might have to cut back on cosplay, too. I don't want to, but I'm starting to be brought to the harsh reality that I won't be able to do everything. Certainly not the way things are now.
Also, my mom told me that it may be a possibility that we could go visit my brother in France sometime this year. !!! That makes me both anxious and stupidly excited at the same time. Anxious for the problem of having money (why can't I just win the lottery and be done with money issues?) and stupidly excited for well, obvious reasons. It'd be my first time ACTUALLY being in Europe, too! <3 (I don't count the 2-hour delay at the airport in Paris on the way to Africa as really visiting the country :T ) Also, it'd be the first time that I've gone and seen my brother, as opposed to him coming to see us. :) So I'm pretty happy about that.
This is starting to turn into a pretty lengthy journal, haha.
I'll post the (few) Ohayocon pictures I took on my FB, because I'm much too lazy to post them anywhere else besides there. Ahaha.
Oh yeah, I also have a Tumblr account, too, don't I? Totally forgot. Whoops. I'm such a social failure, haha.